In four days I will be a CCA graduate! I am so stoked about it, but not because I am graduating (it still hasn't sunk in yet). Rayna will be making a trip out here just to see me graduate because she never got to see me graduate high school. I am so excited I can hardly contain it!!! I miss her sooo much...
On the topic of Rayna... she just started her LJ account! I would like to take this time to say: Welcome Rayna to the wonder that is LJ! I hope you like it here as much as I do! To everyone else: if you know my sister, feel free to add her as a friend! If you don't know her, make her your friend, or I'll beat you!!!! Ahem... just kidding! Ich liebe dich, Rayna!
I didn't really get to celebrate my birthday since both my parents went out of town and I had to work and go to school that day... so my parents are going to celebrate my graduation and my birthday all in one event! I usually don't get too excited about gifts or whatnot because I don't really ask for anything, but this year I am filled with anticipation because my parents have been unusually secretive about it! They won't really give me a hint, and they discuss when to present me with my "gifts" in front of me as if I wasn't even present! For example: I was sitting in the living room and they were standing in the kitchen. They said things like:
Mom: "What day should we give Ashleigh her gifts?"
Dad: "I don't know, either Friday or Saturday."
Mom: "I think Ashleigh is gonna love it!"
Dad: "I think she will too..."
And I say, "Hey! You know I can hear you right?!"
And they nod and laugh!
They've never really done this before, so I am puzzled!
Anyway, I never really put thought into what I would do once I graduate. I mean, I have to wait a year before I can go back to school, but I never pondered what I could do with my free time! So... I made a list of things I wanted to do when I am not at work or chillin with my few friends:
- Try to complete the many PS2 games I own... many of which I have had for two years now and haven't even opened :(
- Get back into quilting-->I must get more audio books if I want to take this seriously
- Finish my cross-stitching
- Read more of the many Dean Koontz books I own
- Make a fur suit! I think I can do it, but I might need some advice/ help o.O
these are a few goals I have set, but they are subject to change LOL
You all have a great night and stay safe!!! =^^=