Once Upon A Time Review - An Apple Red as Blood

May 10, 2012 19:53

This was a fabulous episode in a lot of ways. Firstly the starting dream sequence was just epic with the townsfolk tying Regina up, ohh yeeeah. Perhaps when Emma actually does realise the truth this scene will play out.

Meanwhile in Fairytale Land, Snow, Granny, Red and the dwarves break into the castle to get Charming out and they had the fairies (Which there was a lot of them.) While Fairytale Land is fun, more awesome things actually happened in Storybrooke this week.

Emma came back and Mary-Margaret totally gave her a mum speech about how she needs to grow up and take some responsibility. I was like cheering and thinking 'Yes Emma, listen to your mum!'

Meanwhile, OMG Jefferson was back looking very spritely in his emo liner and not like he had jumped out a window at all. A lot of people believed that he went back to Wonderland (Which he didn't, I guess he's just really good at hiding?) Actually thinking about it, I find it funny that Emma never went back to look for him after their encounter. I guess she had other things to worry about.

So yes, Jefferson! He offered to help Regina get the poison apple so that she could take care of Emma. Poor Jefferson, he's got this kind of blind spot when it comes to Regina. Even though she double-crossed him in the past, he still believes that if he does this for her then he and his little girl can live happily ever after. Oh Jefferson, let me hug you.

Next on the list of people who break my heart we come to August. He pretty much confirmed to Henry that everything was real but he couldn't get Emma to believe so he's just sort of given up, he's like 'I want to spend the remaining time with my father', which is adorable but poor Henry was left to convince Emma by himself.

There are so many people who don't think Jared Gilmore can act. These people are wrong. The kid is adorable/wonderful/talented/better than all your faves and if you don't like it then get the hell out. He's great and you should all recognise it.

This is something that struck me as funny when Snow and Regina had it out, Snow didn't seem to know Daniel's fate. That's odd because I thought the letter she wrote while in the forest with Graham would have been the big 'sorry for getting your boyfriend killed letter?' If it wasn't then what else did she think Regina was mad at her for?

So Snow eats the apple, and she diiiiies *cry cry* then the apple gets transported to the real world where Regina bakes a very special apple turnover :D Only Emma comes over and tells Regina she's leaving which Regina couldn't be more happy about. Still she gives her the apple turnover and bids her farewell.


Henry, desperate to get Emma to believe eats the apple turnover!!! OH NOES!!! So brave though, he knew it was poison but he ate it anyway, that is dedication!

So next week is the finale! I'm so excited for it for so many reasons! This season has been really good and I hope it gets renewed because damn I wanna find out who Dr. Whale is. Now time to address random things:

+ I was looking at OUAT Theories on tumblr and one of them says 'If magic comes with a price, what price does the blue fairy pay?' Thinking about it and what her role in Storybrooke is, I think it is because she can never fall in love/be in love without something terrible happening. I believe she was trying to save Nova from the same fate.
+ Loved the amount of Archie in this episode, we always need more Archie!!
+ There was this one part that made me chuckle, Regina wanted to make another deal with Mr. Gold and Gold said 'You have nothing that I want.' I know all the fangirls were screaming at their televisions because they wanted Belle to be mentioned, I giggle that she wasn't. I don't understand all the love for the pairing, I really don't.
+ Snow/Charming = Always breaking my heart.
+ All the budget for this show definitely went into costume design.
+ Random thought: Who the hell is Doctor Whale? Who is he?! I refuse to believe he is the actual whale.

Until Sunday! (Or well Monday because I am in the future.) Farewell!

once upon a time, review, spoilers, rant, theories

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