When In Ally Posts a Random Entry About Things

Feb 04, 2012 00:18

Hi team, nice to see you again.

So here are some things that have been happening to yours truly lately.

For you who don't know, I do volunteer work at Meals on Wheels where we make meals for the elderly. It's not a bad job except for the fact that our 'supervisor' (I use that term loosely) is an evil troll of a woman. A few weeks ago she went off for a couple of days so she could be with her granddaughter for her 18th birthday. While this might sound well and good, while she was gone we were visited by the Health Authority/Food Inspector guy. We did not pass at all, the reason for us not passing? My supervisor's shoddy paperwork.

I listened to the guy and took in every word he said and then I redid the paperwork so that it was actually comprehensive so when he comes back again, boom! He won't be able to fail us. Do I get a thank you for such things? When pigs fly perhaps.

Today I found out that the food authority guy sent a report detailing what he wanted fixed. I was going to take a copy of it so I could read over it and was told by my supervisor that I couldn't have one 'Because I'm not on the committee.' Is she effing kidding me? I was actually present when he was there, she wasn't. BRB quietly burning with white rage.

Our situation confuses me so much, we are under the NSW Food Authority but most of the other branches of Meals on Wheels in NSW are government funded, ours is not. I really do not understand why we can't be and I'll be buggered if I can get a straight answer out of them.

Last weekend here it rained, a lot. So much so that we had a blackout and my Austar box (Cable tv box thingy) sort of well, died. It's just flashy numbers and nothingness now. So mum called the guy and he won't be able to fix it until Feb 7th. This kills me, non-cable channels are SO BORING. It's like the Brady Bunch and Happy Days, ugh.

I'm behind on my shows and graphics and things. I just haven't been feeling it much lately. Actually not true, I did make some graphics, for Glee of all things. This is funny because I do not watch Glee any more but I saw Sebastian and Santana sing 'Smooth Criminal' and daaaamn, how could I not do something for that?

I know how to make my own screencaps now, that is pretty darn cool because I can cap the things I want to. Also? I learned how to make gifs, wooo!

Speaking of neglecting things, I've been neglecting RPing lately, I'm finding it just doesn't hold my attention. I know, I suck hardcore. I hope to rectify that soon, it's just real life stuff has left me so meh lately.

Fandom things: Once Upon A Time is still awesome. A lot of people are like 'Mary-Margaret/David suck now because he's cheating on his wife'. Meh, it doesn't really bother me that much mostly because we don't know what David and Katherine's real story is (I'm still going with the idea that Katherine/Abagail was Charming's (James' brother) girl and that David married her out of duty because he didn't want to see her heartbroken.) I'll believe that until I'm proven otherwise.

The Stranger? Well I like him. I have heard some crazy theories about him, number 1 is that he is Henry from the future. While that is an interesting theory, sorry I just don't buy it at all. To me, he was clearly flirting with Emma and it is obvious to me that he is a new love interest. I've heard some say that he is actually the writer of Henry's book. I'd believe that! But the question is, how does he know these things in the first place? Someone from Storybrooke either told him or he was actually there.

Another thing that people are all uppy about: According to next week's promo Rumplestilskin is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. A lot of people think this is a bad idea, I think the Disney version gave them all high hopes of him being a handsome prince. I don't really know how it is going to play out but I'm looking forward to it, Rumplestilskin is clearly one of the more interesting characters on the show.

Yeeah I had a lot to say about that :D Other things:

+ Without proper television to watch, I've been watching a lot of Chuck this week. I'm a few episodes into season 4 right now.
+ I plan to catch up on Merlin and How I Met Your Mother next.
+ I need to catch up on White Collar
+ I'm addicted to ponies, can you tell?

That's enough for now, thanks for listening!

once upon a time, real life, rant, rp things

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