30 Days Of Heroes

Nov 27, 2010 00:26

Season 4 really did try to be better than its predecessors. The story seemed solid for the most part and the minor story arcs were good too. It kind of fell apart for me when we found out that Samuel wanted to create this perfect world for the love of a certain lady. I know that sounds romantic but he had been after this girl for THIRTY years or so, Sammy baby if she hasn't said yes by now, she is never going to. Deal with it.

Next up is the thing I left out of the last entry ie THE WRITERS SMOKED A WHOLE BIG BUNCH OF POT. After Nathan died, Angela thought (And Noah agreed for some godforsaken reason) That Nathan should get the chance to live on inside Sylar's body. For those who haven't seen it, Matt made Sylar think he was Nathan, so much so that he assumed Nathan's appearance through shapeshifting and just well stayed that way.



It has been proven in the past that Matt is just not that strong of a telepath, I mean if he was his dad would have been locked in his own nightmares still instead of doing Arthur's dirty work in season 3. Why did they think it would just stick and that he'd be Nathan forever and ever? I mean yes I knew you were grieving but COME ON. Although this idea did make me ship Heidi/Sylar for a while (It could have worked, damnit) the execution was bad.

Not on Adrian Pasdar's part though, him being confused and playing with clocks and sylaring people was awesome, more the fact that it was done like this at all. As pointed out in previous posts, they like to kill Nathan a lot. They really should have closed this storyline when Sylar cut his throat.

Also there was a point in the story where this plot point could have been not only fixed but could have also raised a whole bunch of new questions: When Peter and Sylar!Nathan found Nathan's body in the storage facility (Again Angela, wtf?) Peter still had Jeremy's healing ability at the time, he could have touched Nathan and healed him! Buuut Sylar!Nathan was all nooo, don't. bleh!

Seriously, how gorgeous is this picture?

Some good things that happened this season:

+ Claire became less whiny which is a good thing, I had actually started to like her again.
+ Team Tracy/Noah!
+ Nathan's funeral was quite beautiful
+ Claire revealing herself to the world
+ Emma didn't die! \o/
+ Tracy/Claire interaction
+ The Wall was actually really good
+ Charlie getting her happy ending &hearts

Bad points of this season included:

+ Claire/Gretchen's kiss (Not that I'm against it or anything, it just seemed really awkward.)
+ Jeremy dying
+ Lydia dying
+ Nathan dying AGAIN
+ Lauren
+ The anti-climatic battle between Samuel and Peter

Let's talk a little about Lauren and Noah's backstory, shall we? Okay here is the thing, Lauren was not there in season 1 so to me she does not exist and has no right to be there what so ever. I know why they brought her in, because Ali buggered off to do one of those Resident Evil movies but ugh...I hate her and that's terrible of me because I really like Elisabeth Rohm because of when she was on Angel and Law and Order but it's just in this, she was wrong.

There is more I want to rant about but we have plenty of days left to do it :P

meme, heroes

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