A Rant and Squee! Project!

Nov 18, 2010 20:24

Dear Photobucket,

Would you please stop changing your shit around? I had just gotten used to the last layout and then you do this. It's ugly and I don't like it, can't I go back to the other version?

Oh! And by the way not everyone in the universe uses their phone to send pictures. Hell I hardly turn mine on. And! Being left handed, I find it very odd for the sidebar to be on the right hand side, just saying.

No love,


If anyone out there loves me and wants to stop me from going insane, kindly tell me how to make the link box thing static so it will stop disappearing.


In happier news I signed up for a gift exchange over at sheldon_penny I got my assignment today and woo! Fun times!

the big bang theory, rant

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