The blood drained from Carolyn’s face.
“Doesn’t matter when. He seemed to know something I didn’t. Told me I should ask you.”
Kyle’s breath was ragged, his face twisted with rage, or was it anguish?
He stared at Carolyn. Her skin had taken on a waxy sheen. Cassie tried to move her toward the couch but she shook her off.
“I married you, and I was a faithful wife to you for 15 years,” her eyes locked with Kyle’s and the colour rushed back to her cheeks.
They appeared not to notice or care that they had an audience.
“He said...”
“I don’t know why he said that. He was probably just trying to get under you skin, and I see that it worked. Now,”
Her narrowed eyes pierced Kyle's.
“And if you force your way in here one more time that door will never, ever be opened to you again,” she said, her voice low and guttural.
Kyle’s eyes still flashed, but he looked defeated.
He turned suddenly and strode toward the door, which Myrtle was already holding open for him.