Top ten hit from a year ago.

May 29, 2005 11:08

Let's see if we can fit my life into one entry. There are some good things and then some things that I could improve, not necassarily bad. Considering that you grow from mistakes and anything that makes me into a better person I am all for. In the past couple of months I managed to move home. Thinking it was the most sensible thing i've done in years. I could save money and get my life together. Turns out all it does is stifle my exsistence. I have not been so unhappy in so long. I moved home because I felt stuck. I felt as if I was in a hole and all I did was keep digging it deeper by living downtown. I was going to school for nothing. I am in my fourth year and I dont have a major. I DONT CARE. I hate school and I hate you for telling me that to amount to anything in life you have to have a degree.

So, against all odds I take a real estate class. I just finished on Friday and now I can go on to take the state exam and then eventually work under a broker and get liscensed. Maybe you'll see my picture on that cable channel soon...haha. But in all seriousness I am excited about it and want to do it as a career.

Oh, since I moved home I decided to move out. Once again I am thinking this is the most sensible decision to make. I can not live at home and who else should I live with other than Lauren? It will work. Plus our place is pretty big and we are limiting certain houseguests to one day a week. You know who you are and you've a;ready been told that I dont want to see you. Oh and if you come over and eat out food or make a mess you will be put on probabation and please do not doubt that we will do it.

I think thats covers just about all the bases. Unless you want to know how work is going. In that case, I have stupid hours. I work for one of the most inefficiently run small businesses. They can not grasp the concept of scheduling or budgeting. They think that the sucess of their business is determined by the red shirt I wear and whether or not I have my nametag on. I am pretty sure that my customer relation skills are just fine. Considering people come in when they see my car just to say hi. I think I might also hate my job because I am surrounded by chips and pop and I am just getting FAT. I hate that part about this job too. There arent many aspects to me working here that I do like. Ok well I have to go finish my daily taks so I can watch the Pistons game...
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