Nov 20, 2005 19:36
AH! nobody will b able to guess who i talked to on friday!!! i talk to... the one... the only... Marilyn ... fucking... MANSON! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! and its the honest to god truth.. i talked to him for like 3 hours. my friend's older sister' friend Jhon is in a band called 'the black diliah murder' or sumthin like that.. and he is friends with Manson. and Manson was at his house. as was my friend and her sister. and she told him how much i love him. so he called me!!!! ah! it was frigging amazing. best night ever. and he said next time he is in Michigan, he is gonna either have my friends sister bring me there.. or he is gonna come get me his self! i cant wait.