Mar 09, 2010 21:04
I had what I think I might almost term a heartwarming moment today. I was tutoring, and somehow my student and I (she's 14, for the record) got sidetracked on bad decisions - or doing stupid things, as she put it. And I said, even smart people do stupid things sometimes. And she said, but not you, right?
I was immensely startled by that. I mean, the girl was serious. She really thought that I did not do stupid things. I suppose that if I'd asked her if she thought I'd never done anything stupid in my life, she would have said that I might have done a couple stupid things when I was younger, but that's all.
I mean, good heavens. I realize she doesn't know me that well, and also she's young and so maybe she hasn't realized the pervasiveness of screwing up among all human beings? But still, the idea that someone could possibly...look up to me? enough to think I never make bad decisions is...astounding. Also, the idea that she looks up to me is kind of startling all by itself. I suppose it's probably that I'm a lot more book-smart than she is (she is seriously behind in school) and most of our interactions revolve around that, but still.
Anyway, in the interests of promoting a realistic view of other people and herself and etc., I told her that that I, too, made/make bad decisions, more than I really care to think about. But I'm still surprised-in-a-good-way every time I think about it.