Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

Dec 30, 2007 18:52

Hey Hey!

So the New Year is almost upon us. I've had a pleasant Christmas. It wasn't tainted by some unresolved sadness, Mark wasn't his usual grumpy self, but we did have the usual christmas stress where my dad gets all aggravated because he thinks we can't get everything done in time for the evening. There was plenty of  good food to be had because we had trout and the weather was pleasant. Earlier on the day I had been bored and had been annoying my dad and he swore revenge on me so I was paranoid the entire day. He got his revenge because he gave me a broom for christmas. He keeps making retarded jokes and insisting that I'm a witch. So he got me a broom. And this is why I fucking hate HP, because my dad's a retard. Anyway! I also got a Lite PSP so it wasn't all bad.

I'll get some photos up at some point.

I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow. One of my mates is having a schindig at his place in the evening, but I'd rather spend it with my family. So maybe I'll go for a few hours and then come back home later. Not sure yet.

I still have a few things to do before I leave for Brisbane. For one I have to finish playing MGS3. I'm stuck on a boss battle and it's annoying me.

Ahh well, on with the survey.

2007/2008 Survey (stolen from

What are your New Years plans?
Same thing I do every day. Sleep, watch stuff, go online.

What is one of your resolutions?
Finish Uni.

On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best) how was 2007 for you?
5. Nothing happened that would make it super duper or terribly bad.

How many regrets do you have about it?
Maybe one or two, but I'd have to really think about it to know what those regrets are.

One good thing that happened in 2007?
Going to Melbourne for a week.

One bad thing that happened in 2007?
Aimee leaving.

Name one thing you hope that happens in 2008?
Nobody i know dies.

What is the likelihood that it will happen?
Don't know. Anything could happen, really.

How is the weather/climate where you are at right now?
Hot. Sunny, bright and hot. It's lovely.

Have you gone outside today?
No, lol, it's too hot.

Did you go shopping to bring things back or hit sales?
Bring things back? Back to and from where? I'm guessing the answer is no.

Are you tired?
Not really.

Did you smoke at all this year?

Drink at all this year?

Party a lot this year?
Not any more than I usually do, which isn't that much. And I'm sure my idea of 'partying' is a lot different than what is meant by in this question.

Will you party on New Years?
Maybe, but probably not.

What are you listening to?
I think it might be the fourth Star Trek movie on TV.

How much did you change this year?
A bit perhaps. There's always something new to learn about yourself.

Best _____ of the year:
1. party: Sam's partaaaay.
2. show: Dexter Season 2
3. cd: Starsailor 'Love Is Here'
4. movie: Transformers
5. song: Can't possibly decide.
6. experience: SupaNova. SupaNova is always awesome!
7. concert: Comedy Festival, David O'Doherty's show. He's so cute!
8. book: Haven't read any non Uni books this year :-S
9. month: April/May
10. day: I'm gonna say Saturdays, because Saturdays are always nice.

Worst ____ of the year:
1. party: None.
2. show: Reaper. What a  bunch of wank.
3. cd: Transformers CS, not the score one, but the one with all the songs on it.
4. movie: Eragon. Was that released this year? I don't care, it was so bad it was bad enough to last a lifetime.
5. song: Some R&B crap, I guess.
6. experience: feeling sick.
7. concert: Danny Boyd.. I thought he'd be a lot funnier than he actually was.
8. book: Lord of the Flies. So bad, it'll stick with me for all eternity.
9. month: November. because Uni blows.
10. day: Wednesdays, because of Project 1

During 2007:
1. Where were you when it began?: At home with all my mates.
2. Did you stay up?: Yes
3. What was your new year wish?: Don't make wishes.
4. How many boy/girlfriends?: None, hallelujah!
5. Broke up?: None, even better!
6. Have any crushes?: Just to be safe, I'm gonna say 1, coz I'd hate to leave anyone out, lol!
7. Care to mention names?: I really don't remember. If there was someone it probably lasted a week or two.
8. New friends?: Not any 'friends' per-say, more like a tonne of new acquaintances with the potential to become friends.
9. Had to say goodbye?: Yes, to Aimee T__T
10. Missed anyone?: I miss different people at different times.
11. Win anything?: Never win anything.
12. Best place you went to?: No idea. I didn't go to very many new places.
13. Worst place you went to?: Ditto.

Predict something that you think will happen in 2008?:
I will finally get my Bachelors of Fine Arts!

What do you hope for yourself?:
Be more decisive and responsible.

Stay safe all of you. I shall surely catch up with you in the new year!


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