The Twelve Kingdoms

Dec 20, 2007 01:07

Four more days till Christmas for me!!!! :D:D I can hardly wait for my PSP! I am so getting one. *grins from ear to ear*

I'm feeling a lot better though nights are still hell when you lie there, trying to get to sleep.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, on a massively positive note, The Twelve Kingdoms arrived in the mail today. I watched the first DVD and was impressed. For one the DVD had five eps on it and the inside of the DVD cover had terminology as well as a map of the twelve kingdoms in it. How nifty! It feels like a game. A massive adventure game. But in anime format.

The story is about Youko Nakajima who lives in Japan. She has flamboyant red hair while both her parents don't, which cuases her much grief as she constantly has to go dye it. She always tries to fulfill everyones expectations by being good in everyones eyes. She only really has one childhood friend, Ikuya Asano, and a girl, Yuka Sugimoto, who nobody likes and Youko only speaks with her when no one else can see.

So one day, at start of term Youko is minding her own business when this strange man with long hair appears, Keiki, and tells her he is there to take her back with him to his own world. This big black bird appears, shattering windows, injuring many students and Youko with her protector flees for the roof where the stranger promptly summons up large animal guardians to fight off the evil spirit, before he tells Youko that she, and she alone can defeat, and must defeat the enemy with a trusty sword. Keiki puts a spirit inside her which basically controls Youko's body when she must fight so Youko kills the foe. But there are more pursuers. Keiki tells her the only place he can protect her is in his own world and after much fuss they leave, as do Asano and Sugimoto, who have been tagging along up to this point.

They find themselves in this strange world which is akin to Japan but also quite different, and Keiki is nowhere to be seen. The kids soon find out that they have a large reward on their heads on account of being from an other world and rumoured to bring bad luck to the world. So they are on the run from everyone and Youko soon learns valuable lessons about survival. She cries a lot and says she wants to go home, while Sugimoto believes she belongs in this world and Asano doesn't really care too much as long as he and Sugimoto are together.

There's lots of interesting things happening, both politically, with the way the kingdoms all interact, as well as personally because of Youko's character development. She may cry a lot but there is something endearing about her anyway.

I mean... the series could still turn to crap, but so far I am engaged, entertained and interested. I really like it. The opening credits are beautuiful and remind of of the Okami art style. A lot about this anime reminds me of Okami actually, lol! From the different spirts, and gods inhabiting the world, to the fact that it is so traditional. Plus, as I said.... this could have made a great RPG, ehehe! It has a certain epic feel to it. Like it could go on and on and be great. With 45 eps I'm hoping it will :D

So for now, no regrets in this purchase. Bring on the epic betrayals and rollercoaster plot twists!

In other news I started playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The game works beautifully. I had to buy an NTSC version because PAL isn't compatible with my PS3, boo!  But this works fine now on my PS2 and Naked Snake is so much cooler and more awesome than Solid Snake! There, I said it. I love foraging for food. It's entertaining. Snakes banter with Para-Medic is terrific. Eating and tasting everything.

Bless Kojima, that crazy bastard!

So I was playing, killing animals, eating frogs and snakes, and then I met Eva... oh Eva, lol! And she told Snake to sleep and the more you let time pass between game play the more you heal. So I'm letting Snake sleep for a day. Ahahaha, it's pretty cool that time actually passes in this game the way it passes in the actual world... sort of.


Later Days!


I totally forgot. I got my Uni results back. I was panicking about Psychology because I studied so much in not enough time and then I couldn't even see the last page of the exam paper because my eyes were so blurry.

Unit Id Unit Description Mark Grade 101085 Contemporary Arts 4: Futures 74 CREDIT   101126 Art Workshop: Image and Space 4 67 CREDIT   101160 Project 1 73 CREDIT   101184 Psychology: Human Behaviour 71 CREDIT
But I did fine. I did FINE! I did more than fine. First year I got a credit in every single subject. I am so over passes. Credits are better! Considering all my marks were in the 60's last time this is fantabulous. PHEW!

anime, anime review, game, uni

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