An Easter Message....

Apr 06, 2007 10:58


Hmm... nothing. I just wanted to say that word.

Happy Easter to you all. I read this sign at the Church which is near my Uni. It said 'Jesus didn't die for the long weekend.' Oh contre, if he was any sort of a saviour he'd do precisely that. I figured something out in the recesses of my mind, last night. Richard Dawkins says that it is part of the human condition to believe. It is his theory (and it's a bloody good one) that we are so attached to religion because it is a by-product of our survival instinct. As children we have an inbuilt mechanism to believe whatever our elders tell us. This was very useful before civilization took hold, and is still useful even now. 'Stay away from large animals', 'strange danger'. Whatever you want to apply it to. I used to believe in something undoubtedly and without any reason or logic behind it. Yes, I too was deluded at one point. I kind of grew out of it though because I had to. My equivalent to 'God' was the Christkind. "Santa Claus" for you English folk. Only the Christkind was like baby Jesus. I was really avid in my belief of it. I'll always remember this. For some reason I got into a heated argument with my classmates about whether the Christkind really existed. I must have been about the only one left in my class who didn't know it was fabricated. But I was really staunch in my belief and it made perfect sense to me that there was no way my parents were capable of doing the things it could do. No way for them to bring such a huge Christmas tree up four flights of stairs  without there being a trace of it left. On top of that you wrote a Christmas list that your parents sent off to who knows where. They'd never read it, and you'd always get what you wanted.

It makes no sense to believe such nonsense now. The tree which used to be huge to me, wasn't that big at all. My parents always sent Mark and myself off to my granny's place for the whole day so they had plenty of time to clean up and set up. I really believed in the wonders of Christmas against absolutely everything reasonable. We know its bogus now though. Perception changes as you grow up and your reasoning kicks in. Needless to say after that I didn't believe in anything ever again. I wasn't so distraught about the Easter Bunny not existing. What really got me was Christmas. The way it existed in my Childhood is something I can never ever get back. That is why it hurts. If those same feelings do get evoked it hurts and there is a longing nostalgia.

And this is why Religion is bogus. So bring on the long weekend, because that is the only use Jesus is to me.


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