Today I went to the Art Gallery of NSW with Rowena to have a look at the Goddess exhibit before it ends, on the 28th of Jan. It was funky. There were traditional Indian drummers who did shows twice a day. Nothing like hearing drumming to get the tribal in you going. I love the feel of such loud noises vibrating in my chest. Drums and fireworks. Oh yeah baby! The exhibit in itself was interesting but had too much stuff to read. Being in there for about five minutes I got the urge that I wanted to go home and start drawing because there is nothing like ancient sculptures/statues of mostly naked women to get me into the mood to draw. They had such beautiful figures. Full, curvacious, voluptuous. Simply beautiful and on top of that the thought and realisation that someone had crafted these pieces by hand centuries ago is something I dearly love. Like the time I got to touch real Ancient Egyptian shabtis and the like. Stuff that has been touched by people of such an ancient civilisation... stuff that has been sealed away in tombs. My gods! It is something I will hopefully never forget. It was mind blowing and simply amazing. Best excursion I ever went to in all my High School years. Anyway... back to India and the Goddess. Um... yes, they had lots of funky things there. And each room had a different colour. I loved the ywllow room which was largely filled with gold artifacts and I also loved the room all about Kali, who is probably my favourite Indian Goddess.
After that Ro and I wandered around the rest of the gallery. I drooled over all the texture pieces and squealed in joy over a Francis Bacon painting. I love Francis Bacon but Ro couldn't understand the appeal at all, lol! I love his figures though... the faces are like looking at a train wreck or something. And to have a Francis Bacon right there in front of me... mmmmm! Uni really isn't so bad. I wrote an essay about him for the most part and I still ain't sick of him. Excellent! There were also a set of paintings by some guy who's name I took down because I loved the texture. And we had a squiz at the new permanent Asian exhibit, half of which isn't done yet. Lots of statues and oodly enough there was a metal figure of a kangaroo from Japan. Apparently it was made when the first Kangaroo was shipped off to Tokyo Zoo.
After all that Ro and I visited a tea house and I had fresh OJ and a pot of Ginger tea. With real ginger to flavour it. Was good. Then I went home.
And when I got home I indulged myself into a new personal love. It is a British quiz show but with a twist. It is hosted by that god of British men Stephen Fry. He askes a panel of four celebrities various questions to which no one could possibly know the answer to. They are really strange facts and the show also helps to fix a lot of assumptions about a whole lot of shit. For instance... Earth has two moons, 'Purple' has two words in the English language that it rhymes with, the Blue Whale is NOT the largest living organism on this planet and it gives good reason as to why you should strip naked when you come face to face with a polar bear.
It is hilarious and insightful. It is called QI and Ili is utterly in love with this program. I have not laughed this heartily and loudly in a while. My dad told me to be quiet, it was so bad, lol! It is such a brilliant set up because the answers are so bizarre. Stephen awards points on whether the answers are interesting and/or entertaining. And he detracts points for glaringly obvious (and usually wrong) answers. I suggest you check it out on YouTube to get a feel for this show. Brilliant, utterly Brilliant!
Here is a wee squiz! It should give you an idea how this show feels and looks. This episode (and the first in the series) also is great coz it has Hugh Laurie in it, hehe! And Alan Davies is utter love on this show. Ehhe!
Aaaaaaaaand... that's all from me today.
Ja Ne!
I am very disappointed with Yuna Ito's first and newest album Heart. It's crap. Really crap. She has a gorgeous voice but her music is all generic and sounds the damn same. It's all sparkly and popy and the ballads are boring. I am deeply disappointed. I downloaded the album only to delete it again, which is something I basically never do. I hope she grows up as an artist at some point. If you are going to do something, don't sound like everyone else.