Isn't it peculiar how gods have no power over you if you don't believe in them?
There are Gods who are no longer worshipped. These usually vengeful gods don't seem to be doing much of anything to us though to demand our fealty. What gives? This is why we pretty much see ancient religions like the ones rampant in Egypt, Greece and Rome to be myths and fanciful stories in general. Sure, their Gods seemed to interact with the human world a lot more, it was more akin to paganism back then but not much has changed. Gods are Gods. If the Gods from one religion can't be real what gives us the right to think Gods from other religions exist? It is now our turn, the turn of a Monotheist cult to reign supreme. Can I ask... where was your mighty God before the dawn of human stupidity? Why did he not punish people for believing in a Polytheistic system before the advent of Judaism, Christianity and Catholisism? Where the bloody hell was he? Certainly not in Australia. (Yes.. I just made a bad joke about a certain ad campaign @__@) It really is curious. Why did God not set all the South American cultures straight? I am certain it is not because 'now is the right time'. Humans of yor were capable of many amazing things so the excuse of us being older and wiser now really doesn't cut it.
I'd be interested in hearing your views on it. And I acknowledge that this is potentially dangerous fodder.
I started thinking about it because of this event in the news.
Modern pagans honour Zeus in rite seeking world peace. It's basically saying that they want their rituals to be recognised as a religion, just like they used to be in the days of old.
In other more personal news I started watching House M.D season 2 online because all my friends are useless and don't have the boxset :p Thanks
arklan for the brilliant link. And even though I only watched one episode of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip it looks very interesting so I recommend it, and Ark can vouch for this better than I can I am sure ^^
I got the cutest ever badges from
cheddarwaffle today. I get the distinct feeling that it came very late but that's Aussie post at Christmas time for you. When I opened the package this thing with 'ILI - i love it' printed on it stared back at me. I have never seen this brand before.
Well I'm over the moon about this discovery. But then again, a little research has revealed that this brand (right now anyway) is mostly "Emo Punk" crap. So even if I could find a play to buy it from, I wouldn't. The badges just will have to do. And how I love them, lol!
I am psyched about Battlestar Galactica finally returning to the TV in the states. Under an hour till it finished downloading. HUZZAH! Brilliant!
So, other than that, take care all. Again a huge THANK YOU to Chetna for the gift and also to Ark for the link.
More about the futility of life, next time!
Ja Ne!