I Love It

Jan 22, 2007 20:36

Isn't it peculiar how gods have no power over you if you don't believe in them?

There are Gods who are no longer worshipped. These usually vengeful gods don't seem to be doing much of anything to us though to demand our fealty. What gives? This is why we pretty much see ancient religions like the ones rampant in Egypt,  Greece and Rome to be myths ( Read more... )

television, stuff, tv, religion

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There will come a time when old will confront the new. kewlausgirl January 23 2007, 00:13:18 UTC
Ah, you're topics are always interesting Ili.

You have no doubt probably heard me rant all about religion and so on, but I will try to be fresh and new with what I say here.

It does seem odd with Christianity all of a sudden popping up out of nowhere. If you look at it, there was paganism in Britain (I'd like to see Christianity or any monotheic (is that the right word...) religion/cult come up with the stone henge!) and in Rome and Greece we have the polythenic reigion - a god for each thing. There was the god of war, a god of peace, wisdom and war, a god of fidelity, and so on.

Why is it, that people were happily believing this, and then all of a sudden, according to the bible, Jesus pops up and teaches everyone about the Lord. And yet if Adam and Eve really were the first human beings, why is it that there were no traces of religious beliefs towards this so called Lord before, throughout history?

Now I could go on here and mention the cave men and so on, with evidence of bones, etc, but technically speaking, I for once don't want to bring science into this.

History. Finding the remains of bodies, buildings, written documents, and then the least factual evidence, heresay and legend. These are the main things that have provided us of the ancient wise cultures before us.

Now, looking at ancient cultures, modern day cultures, "cults" and so on, doesn't it bother anyone in our modern day that, however advanced we are, technologically and mentally soeaking, we still somehow go against all knowledge we have now and maintain the belief of a god(s), or mystic being(s) that watch over us and control our lives.

This is the main thing that ties us into the past. Religion (and music but that's another topic) has always been around. People have always believed in different things. So, were they wrong, or were they right? Are we wrong or are we right? There have been countless Gods worshipped until now.


Re: There will come a time when old will confront the new. kewlausgirl January 23 2007, 00:16:28 UTC
So, why is it that they have been replaced? Is it really and truly because the modern day main religion, Christianity (or Cathlicolism, or any other one that believes in the Lord and Saviour) is the right one? Why then, are there still other religions/beliefs?

Simply because humanity is diverse, we are not all the same, therefore we do not think the same, and we do not or will not believe in the same thing. This does not mean whichever religion, or belief we believe in is right (apart from scientology... of course *sarcasm*) .

Now, I don't want to head into the racial era, but this is just one little belief I have had from the moment I can remember, and something I just accepted, without really noticing so until I was older. I'll try my best to put this little feeling into words.

Diversity, distance, difference. It all comes together in one, and yet with difference comes similarity. It is why I have never really ever been able to look at something else and not accept it. Are we different because we think differently? Our skin is different, or simply because we grew up differently. This all comes down to change (religion also). Change (or as science calls evolution) has been happening since the beginning of time. Nothing ever stays the same. As climates changed, humans had to change, or adapt to them, therefore, in moving around alot we have also mingled and mixed, and so our thoughts have mingled and mixed. This is why religion has changed. One leads to another, or merges, or copies (Romans anyone?). Religions have taken over, or replaced (is a nicer word here) one another.

Then take into account that each person, not just one culture, has different beliefs to the other. This is why it is so hard for some people to believe in just the one thing. Now, when the world has become so completely connected (and upon connecting, cultures are effected by one another, hence the ever ongoing change or evolution of humanity), through the internet, the telivision, and travel, we are doubting our beliefs more and more.

Even the most religious people have had doubts, and sometimes they completely change altogether.

This is why Christianity, too, will come to a halt, or more likely will be replaced. But, this is not just about Christianity, I was merely refering to this as it is the main religion in the world. It is merely only one belief among hundreds that have existed before it, including those that still exist today.

What will it be replaced with? Perhaps another religion, or, as I believe, science. This doesn't mean for all people, however, as I said, many people will believe in different things. But for the majority science will replace it.

But is this a good thing? Will that turn us into cold people? Religion has always been there to replace the ultimate feeling we all have, what is this all about? Where will we go? And what will happen in the End (Wow this is reminding me of Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy)? So, then perhaps we will believe in Aliens? (Or Iliens :P) Or will something else happen entirely all together and change everything?


Now, in saying this, this doesn't mean science is absolutely right. This is why science is so beautiful - there are set laws, and yet, anything can change once something has been discovered, it's the one true worship, not of someone or something controlling or watching over us, but of knowlegde. We can never know everything, but it doesn't hurt to try. Nor does it hurt to want to know things.


Re: There will come a time when old will confront the new. ili_chan January 23 2007, 01:07:05 UTC
Bloody hell, Kylie. You wrote me a mini essay. THANK! ^^

I'm gonna try my best to answer and comment to every paragraph.

There is actually a logical process which lead us to Christianity. I don't exactly know how it came about though. But I bet you it started off with one of those 'pagan' religions. Who knows maybe the whole Jesus Christ thing is even right and there was a nut ball who was saying there was only one God. That whole part of history is really sketchy to me as it was when the Roman Empire was at its most boring.

The Adam and Eve thing is a prime example about what most annoys and frustrated me about Religion. A total and utter disregard for logic and reasoning. Blind belief is never good. You need to question your surroundings and when you have facts you need to scrutinise them and see if they fit. Evolution may just be a theory but it's a bloody good one and therefor can be taken as fact, because we have nothing better, noting more logical than this to go by. How can we logically go by this? We have evidence, as you mentioned. An even though we don't have that 'missing link' to fully prove to those dickwads with little tiney brains that we are from the great ape family it is the next logical step given our similarities both in behaviour, looks and genetics. How can anyone refute such blatant facts?! AGH! It makes me cry Kylie, really cry!

ANd I think you need to bring science into this. You cannot have debate about religion without science being mentioned somewhere, because it is also, fundamentally a belief system.

And while I am onto this science thing I have to say that I sadly don't agree with your assumption. Science will never overcome Religion. I wish it were otherwise but peoples need to believe in something mystical outweighs all their need for rationalisation. I heartily challenge the world to prove me wrong, but it's just not going to happen. Why won't it happen? Humanity as a whole isn't stupid. We have achieved great things and thought great thoughts. Yet history proves to us that humanity has always gazed upon the sky and thought that there must be something far greater out there. I'm sure there is a word to describe this phenomena. Religion is so wide spread and it is amazing to see the similarities in them all. It is also really cool. Humans have always worshipped the sun, for obvious reasons. This is so widespread that it is also a bit strange to think that they might not be connected. That humans aren't connected. Maybe there is a Universal truth out there. Maybe we are all programmed with something. Maybe there is a Zeitgeist, maybe Jung was right with his Archetypes. I think it is possible for something much greater than ourself to be out there. But that just means that whatever it is speaks through us all equally. But I'm off topic. *moves on*

You might also want to check out the reply I gave to Arklan, above *points*

I also really suggest that if you are interested in this to read one of my previous posts HERE It is 'friends only' so you'll need to log into your LJ account to read it. I think it's a smashing read and the comments are awesome too, thanks to all my deep thinking friends. Well.. they are deep thinking if you prod them enough hehe!

*moves onto the next comment*


Re: There will come a time when old will confront the new. ili_chan January 23 2007, 01:34:28 UTC
I think you are onto something. People would like to thing that their religion is undying but just like Evolution dictates everything changes to survive. And so religion also adapts to keep its followers. But also one day they perhaps will run out of excuses to refute facts.

Religion might be diverse but as I mentioned above it is also because of the need for humans to believe in something. We all have a mother complex to an extent. We all want to be loved and kept safe. I thoroughly believe that this need has manifested itself into God. Here is an all powerful being that will love us and keep us safe no matter what we ever do, as long as we always come home to its love and as long as we repent to it. The mighty mother figure... which, because of a male point of view (and because they didn't want to be seen as weak and mamma's boys) made this into a Male form. You should really read A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, Kylie. It is a fascinating read and has some great points on religion and science. They are so great because Bryson has a great way with words that makes it enjoyable to read but also words things clearly.

Doubt is an important thing. Both for science and religion. In religion if you doubt but then can put your faith into your belief it makes you stronger and makes your faith stronger. It is a beautiful thing, in some ways. In Science doubt makes you search for answers. Out of those two options searching for the truth rather than re-affirming your beliefs is a much more poignant and correct thing to do, in my opinion. I think facing up to the reality of the world, looking for cold hard facts takes a lot of courage. Yet believeing in something I think is so very much harder, because it goes against all logic and reasoning. So Kudos to religious people for that. I for one know I am not strong enough to give my heart to one thing and believe in it so much so that it blinds me to all other things. I also think believing is a form of escapism. You give up on the world and turn your back to it, because in the end everything will sort itself out because your God will take care of everything. It is this apathy which is so unforgivable.

I think religion has a place in this world. It certainly has a place in peoples hearts. Religion has been our moral compass for so long but things have gone a bit awry. I believe in a lot of moral values that Christianity stands for, but I certainly don't believe in the religion or any of its establishments. Religion can enrich us but right now I think it takes so much more away from us. It blinds us, it takes away from our past accomplishments. I think humans should take a lot more credit and also a lot more blame. When we start holding ourselves accountable for our misdeeds things might change. Science can tell us a lot but we can easily turn to Star Trek and examine the Vulcan society to see what Logic and Reason can do to to us if we have no heart and spirituality. A fine balance between the two should be achievable one day. I wish for it anyway. Right now Religion holds too much power and importance.


Re: There will come a time when old will confront the new. kewlausgirl January 24 2007, 00:59:05 UTC
Yes, I realised that after I couldn't post because I had 800 words or so... *grins guitily*. You know I can write an essay about a single topic so easily, and yet when it comes to something that has marks weighing on it... poof there goes my thinking!

I could actually get into the science part to clarify my part against religion, but I don't want to spend too much time here (at work!).

Perhaps I'll come back when the parents get their new computer and net up in running... bwahahaha!

As for the science taking over religion? That probably wouldn't happen until very far into the future.

I should have said i possible to happen. I know there are far too many religions, but I guess we do need something to help us imagine. Otherwise we would wind up like the human race in Wolf's Rain.

If science did replace religion, my thought is that it would be towards aliens, or more a scientific belief on things. Perhaps, then, science will merge with religion, and we will come to believe something different, (I perfer to hope for something mother nature/spirit wise) but along with science.

Oh and Ili could you email me a link to that "friends only" post? (wow I'm considered a friend! :P) coz I won't have enough time at work, so I'll check it out next time I'm at an internet cafe. Or when the parents finally get the net.


Re: There will come a time when old will confront the new. kewlausgirl January 24 2007, 01:52:31 UTC
Oh, if I had of read your second post, I would have seen your nice little thoughts on having religion and science come together nicely at some point.

Actually that makes more sense than my "science will replace it all" - perhaps I was being too serious at the time? Or perhaps you just manage to explain it better than me... I didn't bother doing that. I do tend to jump topics easily and not elaborate. I think I go so fast, I don't stop for others to understand... -___-

And yes, I loved your elaboration of doubt. Very true. And I do find it more meaningful to finding answers than re-affirming your belief.

And yes, I beleive in the morals of christianity as well... but I rather like the way of the Aboriginals how they "preach" to the young so they establish their sense of morals. Their stories of what happened when they did something bad, or because they didn't do something.

But moral and values don't neccessarily come from religion. Mine came from my parents, as theirs came from their parents, and so on. Although, we don't always take on what our parents teach us, I think religion does have it's uses there.

But I do not like how religion is seen as a way of being righteousnous. I have seen too many people where their way is right, and far too many people who they themselves go against the very morals of their religion, but 'snootily' say they are good as they go to church, and they believe in God. They also tend to look down on people like me who 'don't believe', and yet, even though I myself (as I liked to think) sets a good example of a nice person, they are seen more as a 'better' person merely because they go to church, or they believe, regardless the type of person they are underneath.

That sort of way really disgusts me, and has to be one of the main reasons I hate religion.

And while I am on this topic, I would very much like to say that religion is part of the big problem. I dislike the need for conformity and so on that religion brings with it.

My modern history teacher once said, religion is one of the main causes for our fighting, prejudism; our wars. Not faith.

Now, I think what she meant here was the way of belonging to something has over taken faith. If you don't belong to one type of religion, yours must be wrong, you are different. Whatever happened to the idea of simply believing in something? Individual beliefs are not so different to one main belief. It just means each person has his or her beliefs, can believe in what they want to, and there is no set way how you can believe in what you believe, and therefore no judging someone elses.

Hmmm maybe I shouldn't have gone onto this topic, as I think i'm confusing myself with what I'm trying to say. Though one of the pluses for religion is that if your apart of one you can share your beliefs with someone else, which is probably why some people go to church as a social outting.


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