New things....

Nov 22, 2006 16:55

I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas in german. To my surprise they did a pretty damn good job in translating the meaning of the songs into the other language. Santa Clause sounds suspiciously like a german version of Nathan Lane (che can't speak german, can he? O_o) and Oogies voice isn't deep enough. Sally's singing voice is all crackly, but Jack was great.

I also watched Ghost Busters and was delighted to find that the german audio is on the DVD, for those days where I really want to reminisce.

Epsidoe 6 of Torchwood was hellish good. It was seriously scary. And not in that cheesy Holywood horror movie scary. It was scary because even though some scenarios might have been your a-typical horror motive it was all grounded and not over the top. The people did sensible things. It was scary because it could have been a real situation. What's even more scary and disturbing is that the horrifying occurances that were going on might have nothing to do with Aliens. It was just humanity, in its most foulest and depraved existance. The finest Torchwood episode thus far. Hats off to the writer.

I watched a repeat of the 2006 Melbourne International Comedy Gala. First act up Lano and Woodley. Sigh. They did their sleeping bag dance. I will do a sleeping bag dance on the weekend with my friends when we camp out for Rowenas Party. Even though reasons for concern are minimal there is still a bit to be cautious of. Bushfire season is in full flight. There's fires all over the Blue Mountains. Earlier this week you could see and smell nothing but smoke down my way, as it was all blowing down from the mountain. It's mega windy today the sun is shining but the sky is browny-gray with smoke. At least it's so far up that us humble humans down here don't smell it. There might be a dry thunderstorm tonight, and the rest of the week the temperature should be dropping. I hope it'll be fine for the weekend.

Um, back to comedy. I downloaded Demetri Martins CD. He's my hero when it comes to one liners. Highly recomended.

Something else which Ili highly recomends is World's End Girlfriend which is a musical project. It is very beautiful to listen to. Makes Ili wish she had more tracks.

Anywho... I gotta dash now, as I have a leasure meeting with my fellow Collaborative Project team members. We're meeting at a restaurant to cheer and be merry in a non University environment.


uni, music, tv, lano and woodley

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