See you on the other side!

Sep 19, 2006 21:23

Ahoy me land lubbas! T'is that year of the month again! International Speak Like A Pirate Day!

I forgot about it till I saw Frank the Goat on LJ all pirated out. Woops!

My granny is back home and I am her servant. I even cooked soup today and with the help of Mark made dinner. It tasted ok, considering I don't even like the dish we made when my folks make it. So in short, no food poisoning for Ili! I am glad she is back but it is taxing. I was meaning to do Uni work today but have spent most of the morning slaving away doing house work and taking care of my granny. Then I went to the Uni anime screenings, so perhaps the uni work isn't that important. I'll do it after I finish this entry.

Which won't be too long. I have nothing to say. Just wanted to state that she's back home. YEAY!

I finished my painting of Hyde. It's on my DA page, HERE Now to start on MIYAVI! Eee!

Something else I am excited about is... oh pah, you should all know by now. Only three more days to go. I'll start packing everything tomorrow, as well as washing some clothes. I only have one pair of pants, technically, and they need to be washed. Gonna stay over Emily's house Thursday night because it's around a ten minute drive or something from her place to the airport. Which means I don't have to wake up at 5am to get there! HUZZAH! Anyway, this is gonna be my last post until I come back. Some of yu will no doubt get text messages from me as well as some picture messages. I don't think I can express, nor really need to express how much this trip will mean to me. Even more so because Uni and home life has been stressing me. It's all accumulated and now I'm at breaking point again. So this miniature holiday is muchly needed.

Oh.. I also want to say that yesterday I laughed till I cried in one of my Collab Group meetings. Two guys have made an improv mockumentary, just to see where they want to go with it. It was really brilliant because... well I was crying by the end of it, ehehe!

I will leave you all with a novelty song. It's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds originally sung and performed by The Beatles. But here is where the novelty comes in... this version is sung by Japanese rocker Hyde. Yup.. Hyde. AHAHAHA! It's actually pretty cool. has a interesting beat, Hyde puts on this scratchy yelly voice. I could definitely rock to this, ehehe!
Lucy in the sky with diamonds

SCORE! My fave FinalFantasy fanfic author has updated. I'm gonna go read this latest chapter and THEN do my reading for Uni. Ahhh... I love how happy seeing her stuff updated makes me feel!

Ja Ne all! I'm gonna have the most brilliant long weekend of probably my life, thus far ^^

life, uni, art, adelaide, mp3

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