Verloren ohne Dich

Sep 17, 2006 00:00

Went to the final animania workshop today. And I got my shirt and ID pass. BOOYAKA!

Front + ID pass


I love it, but it smells funny on account of having been in plastic.

I am getting more and more excited about helping out at the festival. I want to do a good job and learn to be quicker thinking on my feet.

I'm going into Parramatta to watch Silent Hill with my friends tomorrow. Colour me chuffed! I do enjoy that movie so. CLOUDO! And speaking of Cloud Em gave me one of the things I bought on eBay for her. Aww, how nice. It's this cool FFVII:AC necklace. I just really love the look of it. It's an elongated rectangle with CLouds wolf door-knocker attached to the bottom of it as well as it engraved on the actual metal surface. And on the back it says FF:AC. Very snazzy.

I like this song..

Chyna Girl - Sweetbox

Lies on my breath
I am drowning in my dread
The wind is getting strong
The wind is getting stronger

There's no second chance
Once the devils make you dance
The sky is getting dark
The sky is getting dark

Can't you see
Can't you see
We were never meant to be
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl
Don't you know
Don't you know
That it's time for me to go
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl

No turning back
No questions left to ask
The tide is getting high
The tide is getting higher

I'm not afraid
I decided on this fate
It's time to face the storm
It's time to face the storm

Can't you see
Can't you see
We were never meant to be
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl
Don't you know
Don't you know
That it's time for me to go
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl

You live you learn
And right now my scarlet letter burns
But I won't hide
I'll face what's mine

Lies on my breath
I am drowning in my dread
The wind is getting strong
The wind is getting stronger

There's no second chance
Once the devils make you dance
The sky is getting dark
The sky is getting dark

Can't you see
Can't you see
We were never meant to be
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl
Don't you know
Don't you know
That it's time for me to go
It's no secret
That I'm your Chyna Girl

Chyna Girl.mp3 3mb

A few more days till Adelaide. It's been slowly approaching and now it is so very near. I reminded my parents that it's only a few more days away and than it hit me how soon it really was. Oh WOW! I am feeling trepidation of being on a plane by myself. I am worried about the baggage and if I can get my PS2 back to Sydney. But people take their laptops on board so I don't see what harm a PS2 could do.

I still can't believe that I will actually meet people like Ark, Lozza and Azz. It's so weird. Feels far more surreal than meeting everyone else I've met so far. I wonder why. Maybe because I havn't met a big group like this before? Maybe partly because I am also going on my first ever trip interstate, without my family? Maybe it is just this four year anticipation building up.

Who bloody cares!? I'm so chuffed! If I were a bubble I'd be very close to popping!

But until then I have uni works still to complete.

Let it be known that there are only a few things more annoying to me than some random friend rattling on about their bf/gf out of the blue. If it has no relevance to the current discussion taking place keep it to yourself. I don't care. I don't need to know all of their information and statistaics. I am not remotely interested in stalking them. Don't be mistaken. I definitely do not give a shit about this significant other.

It feels so strange without my granny at home. And it's not the pleasant kind of strange. That woman annoys me so much at times but I at least know she cares and that is why she naggs. I mostly hate the fact that she's in a horrible place right now. All alone, and in pain. Lonely. I'd be lonely. I hate this. I want to go see her, show her that I care. I wonder when she is coming home. Hmm... I should do something nice for when she gets back from the hospital.

And morbidly enough I think that this situation right now, would be what it would be like when she is dead and gone. A vacant room in the house. A vacant space where a person should be. It makes me uneasy and I am so very glad that she is still here. I also wonder if when she does die whether it will be like how it was with Banjo. I know, blasphemy, comparing a humans existance to a dogs. I fondly look back at lil' Banjo's existance. I fawn over photos of him and sigh wistfully. We go on with our lives without him, not sparing a thought, but for the occassional reminder. Will the loss of a human being, someone who's been with me ever since I was born, ever be like that? A fond memory? Or will there be a huge void and an ocean of regrets? I can certainly do things still right now that will change this. I don't have to have regrets. All I need to do is be more considerate and show that I do love her, in that very undefinable and fragile way. I think if she died while I still lived in this house I probably couldn't bear it. That sense of loss, the reminder whenever I walk towards my own room. That vacant space.

It's moments like these that I realise just how much she means to me, but how very incapable I am of showing any of it. As well as how much I take her for granted.

How on Earth did this post turn out like this? Ugh.

Ja Ne!

photos, lyrics, introvert, convention, life, mp3

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