One of those kinds of days

Sep 18, 2013 10:27

Today just got off on the wrong foot for me. Most mornings I can recognize this pretty early on and before I leave the house and if necessary I will often decide I need a redo of the morning. So I set my alarm for a half an hour later and go back to bed (sometimes even fully clothed). This usually works really well. Sadly this morning I didn't realize what kind of morning it was going to be until I got fully dressed and out the door.

I guess I should have figured it out when I had to run back inside because I had no quarters for parking at the train station, realized that sandals were not cutting it this morning and had to hunt for my boots since my sneakers are still soaked from walking in the creek on Monday, or the fact that I completely forgot to pack any kind of food or drink for the day. Only mere minutes late running out the door (surprising for all that I managed to miss the first time) I make it to the train station to realize I had just missed the very last open parking spot at the entire train station and surrounding parking lots (believe me I didn't give up that easy I drove around to make sure there wasn't some nook I had overlooked). Annoyed because I am a broke grad student who pays quite a bit to ride a train so that I don't have to pay any more money in gas (I have already filled my tank four times in the last week and a half running down to school lately) and that fact that my poor Jeep which needs to last until I finish my PhD in about 3 years can't take too much more mileage without some major overhauls, I leave to drive down to school.

I am hungry, I haven't eaten anything and when I get like this I get crazy and I don't think clearly (clearly) as I drove 20 minutes out of my way to get something to eat (apparently I took a route that possessed no McDonald's or Wawa's for 20 minutes, I didn't even know that was possible). Finally food in hand and no longer crazy I make the hour long trip down to school.

I got here not long ago and since then have made some insect glue (nothing says crazy scientist like making your own glue). I don't know, I am just taking this moment to reflect on the morning. I wanted to include a bunch of stuff that I had said in a conversation with Steve while talking to him in my delirious state of food rage this morning about the state of things in my college and with the government (maybe another time). You would be surprised how similar these things are but I am too tired. It's not even 10:30 in the morning and I feel defeated. Somehow I need to muster the strength to keep moving with my day and actually make this a productive day.

That being said, I don't need pity and I am sorry if this just sounds like a long winded whine but I realized on my drive down here (usually when I do my best thinking) that live journal is a place for me to put down my thoughts and a place to note my complaints. It's therapeutic, and I should do it more often. Hopefully I can find the time too.
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