I need to play a little catch up part 1

Sep 25, 2012 12:02

Last week was an insane week for me, so much has happened and each aspect of it deserves its' own post. So in an attempt to bring everything all back up to speed I am going to do a series of short posts instead of some insanely long ones that will put most people to sleep.

First and foremost, I had the big test last week and I PASSED! Yes I am extremely happy and relieved even if my current state of mind/appearance hasn't reflected that. Mostly I just look tired and maybe even like a shell shocked war victim but I am happy. I just don't know what to do with myself now (and that's stupid because I have so much science and writing to do in the next few months, I know I am just being silly).

I do really appreciate all the people who have given me support and all the people who said they never worried that I wouldn't pass. I am glad so many people have such faith in me because when it gets right down to it, I wasn't so sure. Yes, I did what I needed to do, studied religiously, lost sleep and went over all the possible questions and scenarios like a nightmare stuck on repeat. But when it comes right down to it I have to admit that I am no stranger to failure (I know true failure is the lack of getting back out there and trying again) and in that case I have never been a failure but I have definitely had my hard work and plans dashed on the curbside only to have to try and figure 'Alright, what do I do now?'. Thankfully, I see the world as being too wide open to ever quit, and if one thing doesn't work then I try something new. However, I will let you know, I am very happy that this worked out because I love what I do, I have such a passion for something that I never knew I could even be this full and fulfilled from it. I see so much potential and the great part is that that potential is mine if I just hang on and see this through.

So yeah, I am glad this one hurtle is now behind me (and I welcome back all the blissful sleep that I have been desperately missing). But you know what the greatest part about having passions and being driven is all about... the next hurtle. ;P
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