Oral Exam

Sep 12, 2012 17:53

So it's one week till my big General Knowledge Exam (also known as the oral exam). This exam is usually about 3 hours long though it can be longer and consists of your committee asking you pretty much any question that they think you should have learned over your time here. It can also be current issues questions, and when I say questions I don't me a yes/no/one answer kind of question, I am talking about a drawn out deep theory and rationalizing question. I have been told that the purpose of this exam is 1. to see what your thought process is and 2. to make sure that you are prepared to be turned out into the world where you may be asked any number of odd questions and they want to be sure that you can answer in an honest, rational manner (that it doesn't reflect poorly of your education at the university).

Ok, not so bad, I understand the importance of these things but let me tell you how stressful and nerve racking it is to study for a test when you have no idea what kinds of questions you might be asked. Or let alone how do you even begin to study for an exam that could encompass everything you have learned over the course of the last 2.5 to 3 years?

Well, I will say that it has to do with a lot of long hours pouring over all your old notebooks (that you hopefully took great notes in) and a lot of sleepless nights thinking about minute details about what are the theoretical differences between diapause and hibernation, or what are the morphological advantages of terrestrial insects compared to aquatic crustaceans? I kid you not this has been on my mind a lot lately.

But in truth, I worry less about what I will know and won't know, because let's be honest, they don't expect you to be able to answer every question and I have been told many many times it is important to be honest when you don't know the answer but to make sure you try your best to make a rational conclusion. No what I worry about is choking in front of my committee, or drawing a blank because the stress and anxiety have taken over and my brain becomes this foggy, muddles mess that doesn't allow me to think rationally or hell think at all. I would like to say that I am over reacting but I know myself, that's the most likely option if I get too panic stricken.

So my biggest obstacle is keeping my wits about me, and possibly drinking lots of relaxing tea, with relaxing music, and some other things that relax people OR Xanax! Just kidding, though seriously Xanax might work if it didn't put me to sleep.

All I know is that when this is all over, the rest is going to be a breeze (and that is saying something when I feel like writing my thesis and doing my defense is easier than taking this test). Alright, that's it for today, I am going to go spend my next every waking moment pouring over those notes and praying to every god of fortune or knowledge to help me(know any good ones?).

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