SPN 4x02 (spoilers)

Sep 25, 2008 22:37

I liked the season opener but I think a few times in there I liked it more because it was my show coming back after a long while rather than because I loved every moment of it. That said, I loved this episode.

First of all, that opening montage on the premiere upset me quite a bit, but this one was great, the song worked, the clips were relevant and it felt much more like the way it was before many of the season 3 problems. I loved the serious darkness of it all, and I LOVED Meg. Everything she said to both Sam and Dean made sense even though I understood why it might not be that simple. Of course Bobby has a ghost free panic room, and yes Dean, Bobby's pretty awesome. I really liked the way the action built up as Bobby was reciting the spell, and the way the sequence ended. Dead and vengeful though he was, it was great to see Henricksen again too.

And finally, man, how unbelievably cool is it that the angel isn't hearts and flowers, love and compassion incarnate? God's warriors, with bigger things to look after than trail behind a few select mortals. I loved that Dean wasn't Marty-Stu-chosen-by-God-indispensable-superhuman, that Castiel made sure Dean knew he could be cast back into hell by him just as easily as he'd been pulled out, that Dean didn't really hold any upper hand here. I understand why Dean is skeptical of something Good existing because of all the bad things that are allowed to happen, but who does he think he's invoking when he says Christo, or using holy water? His stubborn insistence at there being nothing on the good side of the supernatural was kind of strange given the ways in which he fights the bad things.

Anyway, in general, A+, would watch again, and next week's looks like it could be pretty great as well.


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