two recs and a lot of blah blah

Jan 15, 2008 13:39

PSA: If someone pops up on your IM program and asks you to click on any link to a domain on, DO NOT CLICK, for example, it could be Even if it says that your friends only posts are being stolen and your name is right there in front of the url. will wreak merry havoc on your computer. It's a good thing I don't click on links from random jackasses.
ETA: Apparently mainly problematic on IE, but bad on Firefox too since it can freeze up with big images of very very NSFW stuff

Things you should probably do:

• Go look at, comment on and snag one of these unbelievably adorable Teyla pairing icons by pentapus. I swear, I look at them and I start cooing at the page. And to think there was a time when I didn't really like chibi styles.

• Take a look at the halfamoon comm, a celebration of female characters in fandom (any fandom) from 1st feb to the 14th. You can write, draw, rec, vid, discuss, meta, fanmix, whatever you want as long as it celebrates a female character in some way.
I have an idea already, Aeryn and Zoe: Space Pirates of Doooom, Awesome, Y/Y?

• Make sandwiches with a filling of mashed potatoes, onions and bits of kielbasa. YUMMY

• Reply to all the lovely comments from almost a month past. Oh wait, that's just me :/

Things you probably shouldn't do:

• Watch Bulletproof Monk Oh my god, the ridiculousness! The cheesetasticness! The pretension! The really bad special effects! The faux mystical power ninja type monks! The villainous White People with bad haircuts! The diamond in the rough street smart unknowing hero kid with sekrit heart of gold and mind of steel! The mysterious and alluring and did I mention mysterious woman who is cool and nochalant except when faced with hero! The ending with two people walking around in bondage type leather clothing smack in the middle of a normal street! Shlokas from the Gita being sung in the background to show their awesome spirituality!!!! *cries at the badness* Oh Chow Yun Fat, why must you disappoint me so?

• Drink decaffeinated green tea with lemongrass flavoring. Urgh.

• Go out without a coat brrrrrr


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