I'm baaack!

Feb 07, 2008 09:52

Hello! I'm back! Did you miss me? (Not talking to those of you who didn't even realize I was gone, humph) Things what I wish to now share:

• I wish I could transplant my parents and friends over to the US so I could live here while simultaneously not having to miss them. Why must you all be so stubborn and have your own lives dammit?
• Hot new actor I saw on tv in India looked familiar because he was the cute young child star in an older movie I had watched many many times. Was saved from feeling like a pervert by the discovery that he was born in the same year I was.
• Indian ads are, for the most part, really rather well done.
• Hindi movies, when they are not brilliant and touching and amazing, can be really really embarrassing. Bengali movies that copy bad Hindi movies are, not surprisingly, even more cringeworthy.
• Will do a gushing movie review thing later, but for now, know that you should watch Chak De!. Right now.
• I really missed my tablet *squishes poor neglected tablet*
• I need to find someone who will cook me fish every day. Any takers?
• Sleep is GOOD.

Things what people need to do:

• Read Eat your Heart Out, Peggy Fleming by miss_porcupine and leave gushing feedback (which I did not. Unless correcting a typo counts? Erm). Because there's adventure and injuries and crises and lots of other excellent plurals. And apart from the usual suspects, a wonderful Cadman.
• Please stop using girly, girlish or girl over and over in spn/rpf stories to describe actions that you think are beneath them. At least it's canonical when it's actually Dean's voice doing it, but when it's authorial interjection, it's just annoying. Seriously, it's like it's in the invisible fannish rulebook for stories in that fandom the way almost every story has to mention it at least once.
• Forgive me for not replying to all of the utterly lovely feedback I got for the last few things I did.
• Recommend SPN and SGA stories that were posted in the last few weeks, and that you think I should read before I do absolutely anything else.


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