Aug 05, 2005 11:43
Being home alone this past week has cultivated many odd theories. I finally noticed my liking for stinky foods. For example, Mini Babybel Cheese. It's this stuff from France that's wrapped in red wax and red clear plastic. It's so good! My sister can't stand the smell or taste of it but I think it's heavenly. It's an indescribable experience. Peeling the wax wrapping off the cheese is half of the fun.
That's not the only case. My dad likes blueberry bagels. Ileana prefers the stinky yucky onion kind. To make it worse, I also slab on a really thick layer of cream cheese with chives. Seriously, the stuff reeks but its so good! The oniony-chivey taste!
Wow, this must be the most random entry I've ever done. Second topic of discussion: Music Association. Ever notice how some songs just make you think of certain people? I've met so many new people this summer! There's this one girl who sings Natasha Bedingfield's These Words all the time. She goes crazy every time the radio plays it, so whenever I hear the song again, she's the first thing that pops into my head.
There was a guy in my class who was trying to learn 100 Years by Five for Fighting on Piano. Once again, he's the first person that I think of when I hear it on the radio. Another guy was talking about how he'd go crazy if Numa Numa was played at the final dance. I was outside, lying on the cement and stargazing when I hear the first line of... guess... CORRECT! Numa Numa. I hear it and come barreling onto the dance floor, and find the above mentioned friend dancing along. Ileana jumps right in.
NOTE: All this happened THIS SUMMER. I wasn't aware of the existence of the people I just mentioned until 6 weeks ago.
SIDENOTE: But they're Great people to know. Can't wait to see them again.
I think my song would be My Immortal. I played it in class and at the talent show this summer, The girl who was singing it and I got the audience to sing along.
Precious, my grandparents, and Midget are on they're way back! Got to go tidy up my room! It's a mess. Mess might be a understatement. xoxo ~ileana.
LATER: Quizzito:
BTW, when I left for work, Precious kissed me. Then she hugged me. Then she waved good bye. Then she blew me a kiss. All from a girl who just barely learned how to walk. She doesn't really understand us when we talk, but she knows if you're being nice or not.