Five Five Friday

Jun 22, 2012 13:00

For those who don't remember, I'm starting this Fave Five Friday as inspired by Felicia Day's segment in the Flog. I like the idea of recommendations of cool things available to us on the internet. I might not do this every Friday, it depends if I come across 5 things I actually want to share.

1. Springfield Punx
A site / blog where various characters are drawn in the form of Simpsons characters


{Tommy Lee Jones / Kay from MIB; Tony Stark / Iron Man}

2. Surviving the World
A cool and funny sort-of web comic basically giving you tips on how to survive the world. I came across it whilst reading SMBC (I believe Zach did a guest strip for them vaguely recently).

I've only just started reading it, so I'm only about 200 "comics" in, so I can only really link you the ones I found amusing from the first 200.

3. Nerdist "Just Cos"
This set of videos is from the Nerdist youtube channel. It is about cosplay. I think that's enough said. I'm linking my favourite one thus far.

image Click to view

4. Left-Handed Toons
This webcomic is very much a hit a miss with its comics. Some of them are hilarious, and with others I'm thinking W.T.F?! Good fun to read though. I think I also came across this via SMBC because Zach did a guest strip for them a while back.


5. This Is Colossal
This blog showcases many cool and wacky art projects and exhibitions. Never a disappointment.

{Multiple exposure photographs by Christoffer Relander}

{Lego anatomy / dissection by Jason Freeny}

{Sand sculptures by JOOhend Tan}

Okay! So that's all for this week. Hope you all enjoyed it :) I actually really enjoyed writing this post. Please give me recommendations for other cool things from the internet and I'll add it to my ever growing list. Also, make sure you keep an eye on my tumblr, because I will be posting a lot of cool things I find on the internet there :)


fave five friday

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