Oct 25, 2006 18:57
The autumn sky really is a magical thing. I don't know what it is about the fall- maybe it's the lack of summer haziness, or the cooler air, but the sky always seems more beautiful in the autumn: the blue seems brighter, the clouds more vivid, and the night sky clearer.
This evening, the sunset was breathtaking: golden clouds with perhaps a slightly pinkish tinge against bright blue sky. And I feel like every single day since September, I've looked at the sky at some point and been amazed.
It really has been a spectacular autumn, but I was quite alarmed earlier today to discover that it was suddenly the 25th. It's hard to believe there's less than a week remaining in October-- the month has just slipped away.
I'm quite proud of myself, however, that I have managed to put off getting out the winter coat (the "light" one-- my heavy coat hasn't even made it to school yet.) until almost November.
But I suppose my denial of the change of season can only last so long-- it's getting pretty chilly outside....