I was told often as a child that I was too sensitive. I tried to hold it in, often resulting in an outburst. I was labelled as difficult, a trouble maker. I thought I was over it, I thought I had overcome it. I'm still a sap, but I was master overy my feelings.
It has led to other problems. I tried to approach relationship needs unemotionally, stating my needs and trying to brainstorm a solution that worked for both of us. I was told it was too "business like". To be fair, he would have hated an emotional plea too, that's just who he was.
More generally though, I strive to be "reasonable". And any time you approach someone who has an irrational attachment to casting you as the enemy/wrong-doer with an attempt at reasonableness, you get burned.
I read
this article this morning and maybe it has a point, that some of these things I do are because I was told I was too sensitive as a child. I don't feel that I can see myself 100% in all the parts of this article, but there's a lot of family resemblance, you know?