Jan 09, 2006 10:04
i cannot seem to access my yahoo email account at work. the last time i had a day off, the IT guy logged into my 'puter, for whatever reason. could he have done something that prevents me from accessing my personal email? or am i paranoid & the site is just having technical difficulties? WTF?
so if i don't reply to your witty comments, think nothing of it, Dear Readers- i'm just oblivious. *g*
watched '28 Days' last night- no, not the zombie movie that amusingly came out at about the same time... the sandra-bullock-in-rehab movie. the gorgeous & talented vigo morten-something said something that got me thinking... (albeit in a dreadful southern drawl -what a crime, w/ a face like that) he was teaching sandra how to pitch a baseball- & he said something to the affect of "what happens after you release the ball is out of your control- don't focus on the target- b/c what happens out there isn't up to you... instead, think about what you can control- your stance, your focus, your aim, your pull back & release..." & i thought that was a beautiful analogy for how to approach life. deep thoughts... continue on within yourselves...
on another track- while driving T around teh Holy City in a circuitous manner last week, i made the offhand statement that "if we looked like we knew where we were going, i sure as hell wouldn't be driving." & that rang so true- it got me thinking- lately i've realized that i almost never arrive at a new destination straight away- i *always* end up getting lost at some point, missing my turn, meandering... 'spontaneous scenic detours' is what i like to call 'em... but even if i have a map & directions, or if i've only been there a few times- i do not *get there* w/out first getting lost. & i think that analogy can be stretched to fit every aspect of how i live my life... furthermore, i once had a brilliant & lovely man interpret a jungian mandala i had drawn as having the same meaning- he said that my path in life is always serpentine, wandering... i will eventually arrive at my destination (alas, how could i not?), but i will see much else besides... & that's pretty cool i guess, so meander onward, ho!
(hm. that all sounds so familiar... have we discussed this recently? *g*)
existential ponderings,