i have one more day to finish the set... & only one more thing to do... the stained glass windows... *dread & reluctance* i cannot paint them, for reasons pertaining to the laws of physics & the running/dripping/bleeding properties of paint. i think i've gotta recreate them the same way i did in the movie footage- i.e. i gotta cut out tissue paper diamonds & tape them to... ? got no glass to tape them to now... tape won't stick to fabric. & tissue paper won't withstand moisture. color me baffled & screwed. brain is in lockdown. no idears at'all. bugger.
i tried painting it... disaster.
i could use thick art-quality cellophane... to seal the paper against the cloth... crap. i wish i was done con questo progetto. it's really become a pain in my culo. *wants life back*
but the 16-page program is done, but i haven't seen the printed version yet. i saw the tickets (that i designed) tonight & they look like crap. they look fake- like we made them at home on the inkjet. so yeah, i'm worried about the program. the t-shirts look great though... i designed those too, & we got 'em back today. i likes.
had a playdate w/ fabuLor & we finally got around to working on our halloween costumes, which we've been trying to do for a month. we got a LOT done. i think i'm a third of the way finished w/ mine now, w00t! & once it's done, my next project will be my eurotrash eyelet shirt.
in other news, teh
mayrluv is coming up to see me questo fine settimana! yays! my first houseguest at la casa nuova. (shanus passing out drunk in my bed doesn't count.) & then j'belle (who i was able to catch up w/ during tonight's reahearsal intermission) will come up on the 27th, barring any unseasonal tornado activity. *snerk*
angelo's final exam is the 19th. wonder how much i'll see of him in the 3 weeks between then & my arrival in firenze... he wants to help look for hotels online w/ me. i have no idea what level of luxury he's used to. is he from middle class working folk, like me? dunno. i google-earthed his address though, & it just looks lovely & ...italian. y'know- the red-tiled roofs, the 'creepy italian trees that know, & know that we know they know' (i heart sandra oh**).
ahem, that's an under the tuscan sun reference, in case you didn't get it.