the shindig at the oasis

Jun 08, 2006 22:08

just home from the urban oasis party... w00t. nice turn out of my peeps. my 2 bosses even showed up- just long enough to see my stuff & tell me how proud they were- they're like moms kinda, or the closest i've ever known to what i imagine a mom would be like. nancy even gave me an earrings/bracelet set as a congratulatory presentay. aw.

i did not mingle, but stayed safely & comfortably ensconced amongst my peeps... near the wine. for i do not like teh strangers, as i am SAD1. but i did not overdo the wine- yay me & my restraint. & that's doubly impressive after the day i had at work...

i'm sooooo close to quitin' the hell out of that job, OMG. today a totally-for-real nutjob verbally attacked me on the phone & then through email. i am amazed & appalled at the sheer level of crazy contained in this person, who flipped the frick out on me. dude, it's totally not my fault you're a freakin idiot. i had nothing to do w/ that. peace OUT & take your crazy elsewhere. JAMES L. COCHRANE of BOCA RATON, FL- you are an ASS.

then rand called me tonight & BEGGED me to come up next week to participate in the shooting of the film portion of sleepy hollow. i'll probably be putting in my notice the following monday. the bad news is that our brom bones backed out, so our play is w/out one of it's chief 3 characters. & i never got to see him in the sleeveless leather jerkin... dammit. rand may be able to talk him into doing it still, so cross your fingers, light a candle, whatever else you do... so far we've been plagued w/ technical difficulties & assorted foul stuff- but it's gotta happen! it's just gotta.

tomorrow i am off! *wiggledance* i have a big to-do list of fun stuff & practical errands... & then the kirtan in the evening.

OMG! *dying of cuteness* rumi is attacking a hair-bandy on the floor. ooooh, he's killing it DEAD! kill it & make it DEAD! *g* my fuzzy l'il predator, cutest thing alive, OMG. *must join in on the massacre*

1 Social Anxiety Disorder: the official medical diagnosis of What The Fuck Is Wrong With Me.

vino, exhibitions, sleepy hollow, art, career, work

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