
Jun 17, 2009 18:38

"The problem with Live Journal is that we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other..." - no, wait, that's the problem with LJ? I could name a few more worthy candidates...

Anyhow, long overdue an update, so a couple of random things:

At a furry con, innappropriate advances shouldn't be unexpected, but Confuzzled kinda caught me off guard - because it wasn't from the furries! Some random hostel guest after a few drinks started complimenting my appearance, then hit me with the line "Mmmm... if you came up to me in a dark alley, I would so totally go with you". Still not entirely sure what to make of that, but it does make one wonder about the furry reputation.

At the start of the month I paid a visit to London, and whilst there I came across a helpful sign in a park, with headings like "Where can I find somewhere to play sports?" and "Where can I go for a walk?", underneath each it was also written in braille. This is all well and good, until you get to the heading "Where can I just enjoy the view?", conveniently also rendered in braille, for the sake of blind people looking for a good view.

Speaking of London, I'll be back there next week, hoping to visit some friends again - so I wont be online, but will have my mobile with me if you want to get in touch.
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