May 22, 2009 05:18
OK, here's how it is. Spoke to the union again, and apparently they say work has to give me the day off, work say they don't. So I'm going to Confuzzled, and likely going to get in trouble for it afterward, and hopefully the union can save me - I am of course a bundle of nerves.
Still have to phone in, and basically tell my very kind manager who's bent over backwards to get me Friday off at least that I wont come in Sunday whatever she says my job is. Not looking forward to that.
And now, I need to dye my hair, wash my clothes, pack my bag, make a con badge and do a billion and one other things. But I'm going! Wish me luck folks!
Hmm, this entry never got posted for some reason. Try again. On another note, why is it that whenever I try to dye my hair I end up dying my face?