More Miscellany

Aug 28, 2009 09:51

Having a bit of a bookmark cleanup here. :)

  • Stelae from Deir el Medina at the Turin Museum. Some lovely colour pics here, including images of Renenutet, Qudshu, Raettawy, and the mysterious "Great Cat". (My favourite is the eensy stela to Meretseger, with the cobra goddess enjoying her beer and lotus. :)

  • I am an absolute sucker for stick-figure versions of the Book of the Dead, which are elegant and comical at the same time. Check out the two-headed deity from the tomb of Thutmosis III (first picture, at left), and the schematised gods from the Litany of Re in the same tomb (interrupted, rather wonderfully, by a cheerful-looking cat).

  • I was a bit silly last night, and the black-on-yellow illustrations from the Book of Caverns (scroll down to see them) gave me the giggles - as a mate pointed out, it looks like a video game gone mad.

  • Lovely colour snaps of the burial chamber of Inherkhau - I'd seen lots of pieces of this, but here's the whole shebang.

  • Finally, just to be thoroughly miscellaneous: No More God Spot?

goddess: qadesh/qudshu, culture: egyptian, goddess: raettawy, goddess: renenutet, goddess: meretseger, subject: cats and lions

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