The pledge of allegiance and the religion of the State

Mar 18, 2010 12:41

An appellate court has rejected arguments that the pledge of allegiance violates the wall of separation between church and state. Judge Carlos Bea noted that schools do not require students to recite the pledge. Tell that to the 10-year-old Arkansas boy who was yelled at by teachers and mocked by students for refusing to stand.  Tell that to the 13-year-old Maryland girl who was escorted out of the classroom by armed police officers for refusing to stand. According to ACLU representatives she is now too traumatized to return to school. Or just tell it to me. When I was 10-years-old I was given detention for asking what the words actually meant and refusing to stand until I understood. People take issue with the pledge including the words, "under God" but I would argue that even without this phrase the pledge of allegiance is designed to inculcate the most nefarious form of idolatry, the worship of an omnipotent, omniscient omnibenevolent government.
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