Intro to Libertarianism: government schools

Mar 18, 2010 12:38

CAIR and the Youth Committee for the Muslim Community Association (MCA) in Santa Clara held an Introduction to Politics program for some of the High School students in our Community. The opening presentation was made by Santa Clara City Council member, Jamie McLeod. Then representatives from the Republican, Democrat, Green and Libertarian parties were invited to speak about the origins and philosophies of their party. Not being able to find an actual representative of the Libertarian Party, I was invited to speak on their behalf. It’s funny because I’m not actually a member of the party. The program described me as a “Ron Paul Campaign Volunteer.” Which is also funny, because participating in the Ron Paul Revolution was pretty much the last nail in the coffin of my belief in the efficacy of conventional methods in the political process. None the less, I am a philosophical libertarian. As is often the advice from experienced libertarian presenters, when you have only a small window of opportunity to cover what is a deep and nuanced philosophy, there are two important things to accomplish. First, explain the non aggression principle. Second, apply it to a subject that affects the audience you’re talking to. I chose public school.

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