Snowflake Challenge Day 15

Jan 15, 2012 10:32

In your own space, share a favorite memory about fandom: the first time you got into fandom, the last time a fanwork touched your heart, crazy times with fangirls (whether on-line or off-line), a lovely comment you’ve received or have left for someone.

My favorite memories about fandom aren't so much of specific things as of the atmosphere in certain fandoms at certain times.

1. Watchmen fandom in the months leading up to the movie coming out, and for a few months after. The explosion of fan activity, the porny fanart threads on /coq/, hanging out on what was, hands down, my favorite out of all the kink memes I've hung out on, tons of fanmixes... I made a batch of icons from one of those crappy low-resolution preview clips and it got three pages of comments, which is ridiculous. It was a really fun time. And it was something I needed because grad school was driving me crazy.

2. When Transformers fandom was new to me, and I was exploring everything, reading fic indiscriminately, rewatching G1, actually posting fic for the first time, etc. The LJ fandom felt pretty welcoming back then, and again, it was a fun time for me.

And an addendum to 2, any time someone's fic or art or whatever has hooked me on a character or pairing I didn't really think much of before, and I've gone off to read ALL THE FIC about my shiny new favorite thing.


3. When I was chatting with fandom friends pretty often. I enjoyed the conversations, and I miss the people I never see around anymore.


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