Snowflake Challenge Days 13 and 14

Jan 14, 2012 14:44

DAY 13

In your own space, share a favorite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book) and explain why you love it so much.

So yeah, Transformers Prime, IDK. I do like the show, even if there are things about it that I don't like. Typically I don't care for 3D animation. I would prefer there to be more robot characters, I wish Soundwave would talk, etc etc etc.

BUT, I think the voice acting is really top notch, overall. (The only exception, for me, is Optimus Prime - yeah, yeah, it's Peter fucking Cullen, but his voice sounds dull to me in TFP and I don't care as much for his delivery as I did in G1). I'm pleased that none of the robot characters have any of the ham-fisted, stupidly exaggerated, instantly recognizable accents that some of them had in other continuities, mainly in G1 and the Bay movies. I'm thinking, in particular, of all of the G1 characters with various heavy Southern accents, and Mudflap and Skids. I know that a lot of people liked them - the former, at least, if not the latter - and to each their own, but I just... I don't know. I really, really didn't. I think it's a strength of TFP that the voice acting shines without relying on that particular prop for individualizing the characters.

DAY 14

In your own space, ask for help. Need a beta? Always wanted to learn how to make a vid? a fanmix? icons? Maybe you’d want to have someone cheering for you while you work on an upcoming big bang or fannish bingo?

Haha, yeah, a cheering section would be nice. One of my goals for this year is to start writing again, and actually, I wouldn't mind having help at the brainstorming stage of fic writing. Or just having people to talk to and bounce ideas off about Transformers, but lolol, I think I've probably worn out my welcome with everyone on my buddy list.

Seriously, I can't think of anything for this. It would be kind of fun to do fanmixes, but I wonder if that's really a skill that can be taught.


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