Dec 11, 2004 10:05
qOt thisz frum manda's profyLe »»
seriiez 1- ju$t the fa¢tz
birthdae ·* : january 1O
eyyes : poopy brown haha
the haiir : brownish with red and blonde highlights.. oo lala
riiqhty or lefty : riiqhtyy
whatz ur siiqn ? capricorn
be|Lybutt0n : innie ;]
[ tha fav0ritez ]
c0lor : pink wif bLack oo babyy (colors of my room)
slushiie - i dont rele like slushiez ..
tv sh0w : reAl werld, laquna beach, OC
s0nq: a lot...
lanquAqe: inqles
spice qirl : babyy ??
subject iin school : L.A / PE
iice cream flAv0r : moosetrax or cookiez n cream ;P
dippiin d0tz flAv0r: CoOkiesz n CreAm
[ what iiz ]
Your most overused phrase on aol: lol, haha
the firsT thiinq u thouqht of thiz m0rninq: i feel lyk ccrrraappp!!! =\
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : eyyes and smile
The best name for a butler : richardo hahaha
The wussiest sport : qolf ??
Your best feature : idk?!
Your bedtime : whenever im tired..
Your greatest fear: death and buqs and qross stuff!
Your greatest accomplishment: uhm.. 1st, 2nd THEN 3rd in 3 years for freethrow STATES.. i think thats pretty qood ;]
[ ii prefer ]
Pepsi or coke : cOke
McDonald's or Burger King : MikkiD'z
Single or group dates : bOth ..more sinqle..
Adidas or nike : NiKE ALL THA WAY haha
Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: bOth
Dogs or cats : my daddy's a vet! BOTH! (more twordz doqqies thouqh)
Rugrats or doug : ruqrAts!!!
Single or taken : TAKEN BY MATT!! 9-12-03
Monica or Brandy: Brandy
Tupac or Jay-Z : ..probly Jay-Z.. Tupac's awesome too thouqh ;)
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Shania Twain BABY! ;] haha
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: TEA iS GROSS
One pillow or two : DEFF. TwO
Chocolate or vanilla : ch0colate
Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : uhh there's a difference?!
Cappucino or coffee : cappucinOo
[ d0 ii ? ]
Take a shower everyday? yeahh
Have a crush? : Matt
Do you think you've been in love? : yes -Matt-
Do you wanna go to college: DUH
Want to get married : of course (life would be boring being single forever)
Type with your fingers on the right keys? pretty much..
Believe in yourself? : kinda.. at timez..
Have any tattoos/where? : nope
Have any piercings/where? : 3 hOles on each ear and cartilaqe on left.. i wana qet 2 cartilaqe on my riqht and bellybutton wen im older..
Get motion sickness? depends..
Think you're a health freak? : no wayy
Get along with your parents? : not rele.. ocationally.. ;\
Like thunderstorms? : they are scary ;[ ..but i qettin wet n tha rain..
[ the futuRe ]
Age you hope to be married : 20's ?
Numbers and Names of Children : uhh ATLEST 3 kidsz.. duno names?
Where do you see yourself at age 20? : colleqe / married ..
Describe your Dream Wedding: @ beautiful beach riqht before sunset ;]
How do you want to die? : lyke my granma, in my sleep (peacfully)
What do you want to be when you grow up? : idk yet.. mayb sumthinq with animals
What country would you most like to visit? : well i been to france and SOME of italy and switzerland.. but i wana see more of those places and like ALL of EurOpe!
[ oppisite sex ;] ]
Best eye color? bluue
Best hair color? : bL0NdE and bR0WN
Short or long hair? : SHORT!
best height? : taller than me!
Best weight? : not too fat not too skinny.. ATHLETiC
Best articles of clothing? : preppy or sportyy
[ questions]
When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : last niqht ;]
How many rings until you answer the phone? : 2 or 3 or 4 haha
How many houses have you lived in? : jusz moved into my 3rd
How many schools have you gone to? : 3.. 4th in hiqhschool
What color is your bedroom carpet? : beiqiish
Would you shave your head for $5000? : NO F*iNG WAY!
What was the best time of your life so far ? ..meetinq Matt.. my summer in Europe with him.. alota thinqs!!!
*[have you ever]
given anyone a bath?: yup =)
bungee jumped?: yeah wen i was lil on the baby ones.. hahahahaa
made yourself throw up? wen i felt like crap.. but im NOT bylemic!
skinny dipped?: hasn't everyone?!
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: haha of course!
pictured your crush naked?: qreat question.. i wonder?
actually seen your crush naked?: hahaha
cried when someone died?: OMG yeah!
lied?: NO WAY! ... JUSTKiDiNG
fallen for your best friend?: haha no?
been rejected?: i've never asked anyone out.. lol luckyy me!
rejected someone?: yes ;\
used someone?: no thats very bad!
done something you regret?: yeah.. i think jusz about anyone has..
*[current ]
clothes: bball shortz and shirt.. qettinq rede to qoo out for my qame
music: nothinq..
annoyance: MOE! my kitty keeps jumpinq on my keyboard
smell: water! haha yuuummmm
favorite group: L0Tz
desktop picture: a sunset.. its qorqous
in DVD player : lionkinq hahahaha ..lonq storyy..
color of toenails: pink (finqernails are red with a mistletoe!! AWW)
*[last person you ]
hugged: matt
yelled at: ALLiE (my younqer sister)
kissed: MAtt oo lala ;-*
*[are you ]
understanding: sure..
open-minded: i quess.
arrogant: whats that mean?! haha
insecure: uhh
random: haha TOTALLY
smart: yes
moody: haha OMG YES
hard working: sOmetymz
organized: every once in a whlie..
healthy: yup
shy: very rarely
difficult: hahha
attractive: idk?!?!?!
bored easily: oo yeah!
messy: sometimes
obsessed: no?