StiLL SiCk ;[

Dec 10, 2004 22:09

w0w it's friday and im still sick!! ;[ ii didn't qOo ta school fer ³ daysz - wednesdayy, thursdayy, 0R fridayy!! w0w ima be LOSTED in tha mid-termsz! oh well.. todayy i stayed home sick bkuz i hada temp. and my tummy hert ;[ .. later around 5iish i went to my sis's bball qame aht Naples aqent naples ..we KiCkEd ASS baby!! wootwoot! ..naples sucks!! haha.. BARRON kiCks bootayy!! oo yeah ;] haha

anyways.. uhh tomarrow i have ² bball qamesz for optomist.. we are quna kick ass so it doesn't rele matter who we play.... =\ .. tha coach is startinq to be cool now.. lol so he isn't that bad.. haha qussy!

oh yeah and my AAU coach GEORGE quit on tha team.. its kinda sadd how people can tell you so much how you should NEVER quit and then here.. the quy who says it tha most.. quits on our team.. what kinda bullshit isz that? itsz pretty sadd bkuz our team has REAL potential thisz year and he let usz down.. oh well .. we have BECKY and JARi (hopefully) and they are SO FUN ;]

oOh and i herd tha dance sucked?? NO KiNGS OR QUEENS THiS YEAR? THATS qqqqqaaaaayyyyy!!!!! i RELE RELE RELE hope ALLiE COMES BACK TO GULFViEW!! i misz ya SO0O0 much babe!! =|

well ii hope ii qet better so0n.. no one wants to be sick around CHRiSTMAS TiME!!!!!!!!! l0l well i quesz i'll update later.. im out bitches -HOLLA- (haha my BLACK SidE is cuminq out!! haha vicci i TOLD YOU i was black!! ;] hahaha LMFAO!)

ii l0VE Y0U MAtt!! xOx Kaycee
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