II0 Anubis 0II: Welcome to today's episode of... "What's Down Mike's Pants!" oink its eLisa: -.- II0 Anubis 0II: Watch as we slowly go and explore oink its eLisa: a pen! II0 Anubis 0II: these mysterious cavers II0 Anubis 0II: caverns
The Live Video IM session has been disconnected. oink its eLisa: >=0 II0 Anubis 0II: HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA
So yeah... the status of my girlfriend's Yearbook is unknown... It exchanged hands and now no one we know have it... That's just great... I spent a lot of work on her yearbook... and all those signatures... sigh... I'm just praying that its not stolen...
On a lighter note, I'm finally going to get my laptop, yay!! ^_^