Chat, pr0n, and tech

Apr 22, 2009 12:29

What's up with Y!IM lately? It can lick my balls 'cos it keeps refusing to connect. Which is problematic at best, since I use it with some regularity for work. Feh. (Yes, I use other chat programs as well, but there are certain contacts of mine that ONLY use Y!IM, and they are kinda important ones, so I need to be able to use it.)
Daily Outfit:
- light brown cross toed cork heels
- blue/ tan paisley floaty skirt
- baby blue tee
- brown/ tan faux snakeskin two-buckle belt
- jean jacket
- oblong brown/ green pendant on cord
- open-work "bronze" hippie earrings

Adherants to McKinnon and Dworkin kinda frighten me. I ended up on this blog earlier through a comment to a news article I was reading. I am mind fucked that there are alledged "feminists" who seem to believe that a woman's body is not her own to own. Clearly, all women who are engaged in the sex trade are damanged or have been manipulated. And in theory, this is the leftist side! beacuse sex positivity and pleasure in one's body is clearly not repressed enough by the moral majority. Squeezed on both sides: RAD! [/sarcasm] Some of the articles completely blow my mind because it's clear they truly believe that no woman would choose this life - and while the commoditisatoin of sex does bother me a really lot - as does the trafficking in human flesh - it also occurs to me that continuing the criminalisation of women for engaging in sex for pay does little more than continue to marginalise the women in the business. The very same people purportedly meant to be protected, the stated goals actually continue to ghettoise!

Don't get me wrong - slavery? ALWAYS BAD, kids. But you know, I've hung out with porn stars. Under the sex-negative approach to feminism, they are classed in the same way as prostitutes 'cos they make their living based on the merits of their bodies and the pay that can be garnered from them. So, for the sake of this arguement: I hang out with hookers. And almost all of them? Do it 'cos they genuinely love it. They like having sex. They are exhibitionists. It turns 'em on. The get up every day and are excited about their work. Sure, there are days they don't like so much - that co-star has bad breath, or they are a little sore 'cos the fucking got particularly rough, or they need a cycle of pennicillin 'cos someone had the clap.

Knee-jerk reactionists like those who write this blog jump immediately to the conclusion that this means sex work is inherantly bad. I would argue that no, it makes it a job. I've had jobs that involved physical labor - and some days I would come home hurting 'cos I lifted more weight than usual, or I got a cold 'cos someone in my office didn't stay home when they got sick, or I got stuck in a meeting with someone who misunderstands how "bathing" works. Same deal, really, isn't it? Not all working conditions are ideal, and most people I know don't love their jobs. So why should we use a stripper/prostitute/ porn star who hates her job as indicative of how all strippers/prostitutes/ porn stars view their work -- I wouldn't presume that all Wal-Mart workers love their jobs either.

Beyond all that, there is an argument in one of the posts that the owner of a legal brothel can't be actually "taking care of" his employees because he is "selling their bodies." Clearly, because he offers a service under which the girls freely enter, he is incapable of having respct for them or concerning himself with their welfare. *rolls eyes* Yes, and going back to that remark up there about Wal-Mart - 'cos retail managers are better at humane treatment of their employees? And how is any management position really any different - they are all trafficking in skill sets of their staff, in some way or another.
Thoughts about fear still percolating.
I'm prolly going back to my cracked up BBerry, since as lovely as my shiny new phone is... Well, it's not supported by my phone company, and I am missing functionality. Also, it turns out I don't love the touch screen. Go figure.

daily outfit, technology, pr0n, feminism, phone, thinking

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