[translation] Non-no February 2012 - Arashi

Nov 12, 2015 18:17

There's a non PG bit - blame Matsumoto!

The five of them playback to the answers they gave at the start of the series!
Annual! Question and Answer 2008 → 2012!
The Q&A corner that became a staple by popular demand. Arashi of '12 respond to their answers about love from '08 and announce their true feelings!

Q. State three conditions you're looking for in a girl!
Ohno: Is kind, has the same hobbies as me and...... Being equal are the most important.
Matsumoto: Someone who is smarter than me, reads the atmosphere and is sincere is my ideal.
Aiba: Can talk to them about anything, athletic, same values.
Sakurai: Someone who smiles a lot and is kind. Just those are enough, I guess.
Ninomiya: Is a girl and speaks Japanese. If they play innocent, it's the best.

Sakurai: My answer, it feels like I tried my best and worked something out, huh (laughs). Satoshi-kun and Nino's are like that too, right?
Ninomiya: Right, I feel like I put all  my effort into thinking about it. Though in the end, if they see me as a man that's enough.
Ohno: Now, even if I don't have these three things, it's fine.
Sakurai: Me too. Everyone's capacity has gotten bigger...... Rather than that, maybe we got philosophical (laughs).
Ohno: What does Aiba-chan's "athletic" mean?
Ninomiya: Some kind of joke he was into at the time (grinning)?
Aiba: ...... I don't remember (laughs). It's even a mystery to me!
Sakurai: Matsujun said "smarter than me". Aren't you actually giving an answer for M temperament people?

Q. Speaking of your ideal date?
Ohno: Fishing (immediate answer)!
           While enjoying the atmosphere of the sea.
Matsumoto: Space travel.
                    It's nice not to have other people around (laughs).
Aiba: I want to get hyped up refreshingly with golf and baseball.
Sakurai: I like travelling, so I'd be happy if we could go together.
Ninomiya: I'd let my partner be in charge, with a "leave it to you course"!

Aiba: My answer is the same even now ♪
Ohno: Me too. '08 was when I just started fishing, so I feel more passion for it now though.
Sakurai: What we should notice is MatsuJun's plan. You can't kiss in space, is that okay (laughs)?
Ninomiya: Because you're wearing helmets.
Matsumoto: ...... Even if we try our best and hold our breath, it's no good (laughs)?
Aiba: If you make one wrong move, you might die!
Matsumoto: How about a kiss with your life on the line (laughs)?
Ninomiya: Certainly, there's passion in that (laughs).
Sakurai: In fact, going shopping or watching a movie might be the normal best ideal dates.

Q. What's your selling point in romance, that you won't lose to the other members in?
Ohno: I can fish, I cook, and I'll draw a picture and give it to you (laughs).
Matsumoto: I've never compared, but...... I'll let you act the most spoiled, maybe?
Aiba: If you tell me the places you like to hang out, I'll make it super fun for both of us!
Sakurai: That's hard... I might be able to actively take you here and there.
Ninomiya: Even for a girl I'm not interested in, I can teach you about a new pleasure called games!

Sakurai: Well, I guess I can still take  you here and there...... In a Nissan car, right (laughs).
Ohno: My answer's the only one brought up something different from the other members.
Sakurai: But drawing a picture is lovely. And Nino's games are attractive too. Matsujun might be an M, after all (laughs)!? I wonder what Aiba-kun, who finds being athletic important, was trying to do~ (laughs). [??]

Q. If you were a girl, out of the members, who would you want to ① date / ② marry?
Ohno: ① is MatsuJun. ② I guess it's Nino, who'd probably let me relax at home.
Matsumoto: It's me for both! Good points? Everything (laughs)!
Aiba: ① is Sho-chan. Marriage is...... I'll bet on Leader (laughs)!
Sakurai: ① is Aiba-kun and ② is Leader. I'm aiming for the royalties from his art (laughs).
Ninomiya: I don't want any of them. It's no fun because we know eachother.

Matsumoto: My comment is really desperate... (laughs). Because I've never thought about something like this.
Ninomiya: Of course. Both being men, and both being members, I haven't thought of who I want to date or marry (laughs)!
Aiba: As a result, that means Leader is the most popular as a marriage partner, with Sho-chan and I both thinking that? ...... Though, when you think about it in reality, it does make you draw back (laughs).

Q. If the 5 of Arashi had a mixer, who do you think would be the most popular?
Ohno: Somehow......
           Wouldn't it be MatsuJun or Nino?
Matsumoto: Leader I guess. Since he seems easy to talk to even if it's the first meeting.
Aiba: I want to say it's me but (laughs), MatsuJun.
Sakurai: MatsuJun. Well, obviously I'd be popular too though (laughs)!
Ninomiya: I guess it's Jun-kun. He seems like he's the kindest to girls.

Sakurai: This is MatsuJun's overwhelming victory, huh. As expected!
Ninomiya: Is Aiba-san's "I want to say me but (laughs)" some kind of gag?
Aiba: Of course it was a gag (laughs). Same as Sho-chan.
Sakurai: (with a straight face) Ah, mine was serious. The "(laughs)" was unnecessary!
Matsumoto: Rather, if we weren't all popular, I'd be worried. We're all Arashi, after all (laughs).

Q. Speaking of a "mystery of a woman's heart" that you just can't understand?
Ohno: The "I want to always be together" mindset.
           I need my own time, that might be impossible for me.
Matsumoto: Their ability to come to a clean decision, completely forgetting the partner they split with or abandoned is impossible to understand!
Aiba: They're full of things I don't understand~. Like when their moods get worse, for example (bitter smile).
Sakurai: The feeling of how in a fight they get gradually more emotional. I think we should talk it over logically.
Ninomiya: When their mood suddenly goes down. Even if I ask for the reason, they won't tell me, it really is a mystery.

Ninomiya: This is a mystery to me even now...
Sakurai: I get you! Aiba-kun's answer is close too.
Ninomiya: It's true. Suddenly getting angry, shifting their opinion, and switching topics, I don't get why. I end up thinking "Why at this timing!?"
Sakurai: Moreover, there are also times when there aren't any signs of returning to the original. Just what are we supposed to do!?
Ninomiya: Surely it'll be impossible to understand for eternity. ...... Huh, Ohno-san's direction is different?
Sakurai: Isn't he indirectly trying to show he's popular (laughs)!? [TN: he says mote appeal]
Ninomiya: What a disaggreeable guy, huh (grinning)!
Matsumoto: There's the possibility of being left alone too much too (laughs).

Q. What's a "battle present" that you want to give to your significant other?
Ohno: A work I made myself.
          Yeah, I said something good (laughs)!
Matsumoto: Underwear, or accessories for what's called bondage (laughs).
Aiba: This is tough! If there's something good, I want you to tell me~!
Sakurai: I'd remember what my partner said she wanted and give it to her.
Ninomiya: I'm not good with surprises, so I'll ask what she wants directly.

Sakurai: Satoshi-kun, are you tasting a sense of achievement!?
Ohno: Now I think, I wouldn't actually give one of my works... I'd hate it if there was no reaction, you see (laughs).
Sakurai: Aiba-kun is stylish, so if he gave clothes or accessories, I think they'd be pleased. Nino and I are a bit alike. Though, I like surprises, I'm the type to put a lot of time into doing research.
Ninomiya: And, the cool one is J's answer!
Matsumoto: It isn't cool (laughs)! I was joking, I was joking!
Ninomiya: I'd definitely like to know what the '12 version is too.
Matsumoto: ...... "A clock for what's called freedom" I guess (laughs).
Ninomiya: Ohh~, once again a quote has come out, huh ♪

Q. What are a girl's gestures or phrases that ① get to you ② disillusion you?
Ohno: ① The form of her getting frustrated.
               Isn't that cute? ② is gyaru language.
Matsumoto: I'm weak to the form of her gathering her hair. Even if there are drawbacks, if she is mindful and fixes them, it's OK.
Aiba: Actually, I have a smell and hand fetish (shining).
         ② is words without any kindness, I guess.
Sakurai: If she has red cheeks, it's cute.
              I'm not good with someone excessive with skinship.
Ninomiya: ① is clearing the throat. I don't have ②, huh. 
                 It might be because I grew up surrounded by women.

Matsumoto: It's the first time I'm hearing Aiba-san has a smell and hand fetish~.
Aiba: I might still, relatively.
Ninomiya: Hm? Ohno-san thinks the form of her getting frustrated is good? What's that, I don't get it at all!
Ohno: I don't understand Nino's clearing the throat. Try it a bit.
Ninomiya: (intensely) A~HEM!
Ohno: ...... (seriously) So that means we don't understand each other.

Q. Frankly, what is love to you?
Ohno: "Something that leads to marriage"
           That's the ideal.
Matsumoto: "Exciting and secure". They're both extremes, but both are important!
Aiba: "The ultimate spice". Because if you're in love, you can do your best every day.
Sakurai: Hmm, maybe it's "colouring". Though it isn't essential, it's precious.
Ninomiya: "Something enjoyed alone". Since I like unrequited love (laughs).

Ohno: I still think the same way. I can agree with Matsujun or Sho-chan's opinions too. There was a period when I was close to Aiba-chan's idea too.
Aiba: Everyone's saying good things. Nino's comment's as bit weird though (laughs).
Ohno: I think I understand this one too.
Aiba: You like unrequited love!?
Ohno: Yeah. Because you start wanting to chase them, right? (grin)

Q. If you were to confess to a partner you felt fated to be with?
Ohno: "I like you, I like you, I like youuuuuuuuuu---!" ‐ a straightforward approach.
Matsumoto: If you feel fated, you don't need words, right? (laughs)
Aiba: Straight up "I like you". Waiting for a reply is tough though (bitter smile).
Sakurai: "I like you". Because if you elaborate, it'll be in vain when you're dumped!
Ninomiya: Because I don't being light, "We'll be together when we die" ...... something like that (laughs).

Aiba: MatsuJun is cool ♪
Matsumoto: I...... I wonder what happened to me at this time (laughs)?
Sakurai: Weren't you in Domyouji from "Hana Yori Dango" mode?
Ohno: Nino's is amazing too (laughs).
Ninomiya: If you feel fated, this much is only natural, isn't it? Ohno-san, in what style are you saying this? There's a stage too, please try demonstrating it (grinning)!
Please don't repost the whole thing anywhere. If you quote, please credit 'ihsarafes' or tag me on twitter @mottofreaky :D

♥ Aiba Masaki, ! translations, ♥ Sakurai Sho, ♥ Ninomiya Kazunari, ♥ Matsumoto Jun, ♥ Ohno Satoshi

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