[translation] MAD/MADE on Nino/Ohno admiration of Disco Star

Oct 09, 2015 20:50

Randomly stumbled across this, and thought I may as well share it!

Akiyama: I think it was included in the extras of the DVD but, when Aiba-kun was doing his solo "Disco Star", Ninomiya-kun and Ohno-kun were always watching Aiba-kun, we noticed.
Matsumoto: From under the stairs?
Inaba: Ohno-kun and Ninomiya-kun were visible from this side.
Ikeda: The two of them were totally doing a prank like one tiny juniors would do. (laughs)
Akiyama: We ended up thinking "How cute~", huh. Since Aiba-kun didn't notice, the next thing was like waving to the juniors. We too were like "What are you doing over there?", enjoying it.
Inaba: Aiba-kun didn't notice?
Akiyama: Until midway.
Inaba: Seriously?
Akiyama: You could plainly see them, but he didn't notice.
Matsumoto: Sho-kun was there one time too, right?
Akiyama: On the last day.
Fukushi: Even though he was up next?
Akiyama: Right. I was like "Huh?"

The poor guys don't know how to deal with their senpai hahaha

from TV fan Cross October 2015

Scan credit to yoshiko_mama@lj

♥ Aiba Masaki, ! translations, ♠ Inaba Hikaru, ♥ Ohno Satoshi, ♠ Ikeda Yu, ♠ Akiyama Taiga, ♥ Sakurai Sho, ♥ Ninomiya Kazunari, ♠ Fukushi Nobuki, ♠ Matsumoto Kota

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