
Dec 05, 2007 11:37

Why is it NOT the end of the semester yet? The end of this semester has been particularly excrutiating, even as ends of semesters go. I've had to throw together two research projects 2-3 days before I had to present them TWICE in the last two weeks. For example, I had the opportunity to become an "expert" on soil quality in a single afternoon. Awesome. The second thrown-together presentation is today. And it's kind of a big deal. It's for GIS, so it's a "science"-based presentation. Except I could explain the "science" of what I did in about a minute and a half, speaking slowly. And my presentation counts as much as my paper. I hope he's not going to grade us harshly. I suck at public speaking. I am a researcher, not a public speaker. I think my grade should more reflect the quality of my research than my presentation of said research. And I still have two hours to continue to dread my presentation. I really hope my stomach settles down at some point. Vomiting during my presentation would be unfortunate.

I think I might let myself have a little break after my presentation (we have 3 hours of presentations this afternoon...bah). But I have one paper due tomorrow (which is maybe almost done!) And one 7-10 page paper due on friday that I have not started yet. I'm a little freaked out about that. These deadlines that I have been forced into are kind of unreal for me. I've had to write a number of relatively big papers in a matter of days, compared to to the months that I would have taken to write such papers in undergrad. I hate doing things at the last minute.

But on the upside, I will be almost entirely done on friday. I will have absolutely NO school work to do this weekend, which will be UN.REAL. I think I will bring movies to work and veg out. And drink massive quantities of alcohol. All I have is a take-home which I can't even pick up until monday, then I only have 24 hours to do it. So, I'm totally done on Tuesday.
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