Jun 29, 2009 14:25
It is a well acknowledged fact that people do very unsafe/unusual things in the car. They are either trying to save time or are under the illusion that their windows are one way and that no one can see them. I always hear the cautionary tale of the woman who hit a car while putting lipstick on or the man who wasn't paying attention to driving because he was shaving.
On my morning commute I have seen quite a few things: people singing at the top of their lungs, the old nose pick, a woman plucking her chin hair (while singing gospel - it was a two for one there).
This morning was not to be outdone. The man behind me was not only repeatedly picking his nose (I guess he just couldn't get it all with one pick) but he then proceeded to EAT IT. I thought people stopped doing that by 6 years of age.
It's at times like these when I wish I had a bull horn and could say "You, man behind me picking his nose. I CAN SEE YOU.
But this story has a lesson behind it, kids. Always have Kleenex in your car. And use it.
public nose picking