just some rambles n fustrations

May 09, 2008 10:31

 so there seem to be a few new developments in my life as of late. well for one i can't seem to get all parts of my crohn's under control but i think that has to do with the fact that i am not on all my meds. so once i get that part done i think things will be ok. laci took me to the hospital the other night and to say in the least she came up with the same conclusion that i have came up with a while ago....when i am sick out of the blue my mother can be very mean to me. she all but accused me that i was just there for the pain meds that i was addicted to them....well let me tell u i could live with out the pain that i have to go through just to get those said pain meds. i mean for relief i had to go through gettins stabbed 4 times to get the pain meds...shit if i was addicted i could just buy some pain pills off some one. or the fact that i keep left overs from when i get prescriped some just incase i need them.

so enough of that topic.

Me, Laci, and Rich have decided that we are just going to stay where we are for now in RI. Then once i am done with school and once Rudy is done with all his court crap we are all going to head to Colorado. I have been looking at homes and jobs there. We should all be able to get jobs there fairly easily.
Houses there for sale are great prices. and nice areas. so i can't wait to get the hell out of here i have had it with the drama and the bullshit of RI and all the shit around me.

I can't wait to get away from where everyone knows me or something about me and things from the past that should be dead and buried are not and just keep getting brought up. But the thing is i hate to be alone so that fact that i will be leaving with a few people i know will be great for me.

well i need to get back to class

talk to u later

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