Just a short entry to let everyone know that Derfael was born on October 4th, 2006 at 1:45pm.
He was born at home with an all natural delivery. He weighed in at 7lbs and 10 ounces. Yes the labour was painful, but a very good and meaningful pain. I can't believe how good I feel now after birth.
Yesterday was a bit frustrating. All he wanted to do was nurse and my milk hadn't come in yet. Dylan and I spent the night relieving each other from finger duty.
Here is the birth story that I posted on Glitter, I am planning to write out a better version including information about the pain and (little bits of tearing that I had - which my midwife called skid marks because he came out so fast - no stitches needed) positions to include in Derfaels Time Capsule that Dylan and I are making.
On the 3rd my bf was talking to his mom about when they thought the baby would be born. They were placing bets on the day, they thought either the 10th or Friday 13th (his due date was the 9th) and I said tomorrow. Well sure enough after we went to bed (and made love) at around 2 am I start to feel a little bit of cramps, which I realized were contractions. They were about 10 minutes apart. My midwife had told me to give her a call when the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart so I decided to just try to sleep through them. The contractions kept waking me up every 10 minutes but I would find my way back to sleep. I was very uncomfortable and kept tossing and turning we decided it was best if my bf went and slept on the couch so I could have more room in the bed and so he could get some rest. At 7:45 am I woke up starving. I asked Dylan to make me some breakfast. I ate that and went and layed on the couch through more contractions. At 9am I called my midwife to let her know that I wasn't going to be able to go to my appointment and that I had been having contractions since 2am. She told me to have some gravol with some Tylenol and a glass of rum or beer (half jokingly - she is Irish like me) I didn't have the rum... 9 am is just a tad early to hit the bottle for me. She also told me to call her back when the contractions got to 5 mintues appart or my water broke. At 11am my contractions went from 10 minutes appart to 1.5 minutes appart. Quickly called her and she showed up at about 12:30 with her student. The helped me through my contractions and checked to see how far I was dialated. They told me I was going to get to start pushing very soon. I kept contracting until about 1:35 when I had the hugest urges to push. I pushed him out at 1:45pm. The second midwife was called just before they thought I was going to push and showed up just as I finished pushing Derfael out. I found that the best position for me to labour in was on my knees facing holding the back of the couch. They placed him on my belly and covered him up with towels and a few minutes later I delivered the placenta. I don't exactly remember when my bf cut the cord but it was before I delivered the placenta and after the cord stopped pulsing.