You Dont Do It On Purpose, But You Make Me Shake

Aug 17, 2006 01:51

i dont want to think. and i cant sleep and noone reads yeah.

you know one day im just going to lay all my crap out on this thing and noone is going to read it and then noone can ever say again and i dont talk about whats on my mind...cause then i will have, its just that noone read it, sigh. i dunno.

.70 Questions to End the Summer

1. Are you in a relationship? my facebook says im married to kristen.

2. Do you hate more then 3 people? only on at the moment. myself. i can think of a few that im not fond of right now, but i hate noone

3. How many houses have you lived in? 4 2 in ohio, 2 here.

4. What is your favorite candy bar? i dont like candy bars.

5. What are your favorite shoes? sandals, comfy ones

6. Have you ever tripped someone? no i cant say that i have

8. What was your favorite summer trip this year? i didnt have time for any great trips

9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD? nope nope nope

10. Have you ever thrown up in public? when i was 8 i threw up in the baby pool at my old country club. it was embarassing ive never seen people swim away from anything so fast.

11. Name someone that's ALWAYS on your mind: what constitutes "always"...i dunno i dont like to think abotu people when they dont think about me.

12. What is your favorite music genre? the rock

13. What is your sign? Aquarius

14. What time were you born? a little after 1 am

15. Do you like beer? not really, its better than hard alcohol

16. Have you ever made a prank call? yeah probably like yesterday with melissa because her prank call voices are hilarious.

17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own? i dunno vanessa carelton maybe, but i like her so i dont really care what other people think.

18. Are you sarcastic? half the time

19. What is your favorite color? baby blue

20. How many watches do you own? 2

21. Summer or Winter? summer when its not a bagillion degrees

22. Spring or fall? spring minus the allergies

23. What is your favorite color to wear? black, different shades of blue, green, pink sometimes.

24. Pepsi or Sprite? sprite

25. What color is your cell phone? ugly silver

26. Wheres your second home? haha well it was work

27. Have you ever slapped someone? probably my sisters

28. Have you ever had a cavity? only once when i chipped my tooth

29. How many lamps are in your bedroom? 3

30. How many video games do you own? mortal kombat, gta vice city, lord of the rings, pac man, ddr, and on and on and dad has halo.

31. What was your first pet? i think it was my old dog casey or fish, i had some fish

32. Have you ever had braces? nope

33. Do looks matter? its like the icing...the icing can be pretty sweet but if the cake sucks its all going to taste bad. i dont even like cake. worst metaphor ever.

34. Do you use Chapstick? constantly

36. American Eagle or Abercrombie? hollister

37. Are you too forgiving? definatly

38. How many children do you want? 4 or 5

39. Do you own something from Hot Topic? no, not at all

40. What is your favorite breakfast? i dont eat breakfast

41. Do you own a gun? no

42. What was the last thing you ate? i drank  some tea

43. When was the last time you cried? like...7 pmish

44. What did you do 3 nights ago? sunday night i spend exhausted from staying up all night before

45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden? a few years ago, i dont like it.

46. Have you ever called your teacher mom? haha probably how embarassing

48. What are your nicknames? laur, lneums, steve calls me lo, ldotneuman, the girls call me LC i dunno whats about it. mostly laur

49. Do you know anyone named Bertha? NO i wish i bet she would be a ginger

50. Have you ever been to Kentucky? no i would tho

51. Do you own something from Banana Republic? no not at all

52. Are you thinking about somebody right now? yes. i should not be doing that i should be sleeping though.

53. Have you ever called someone Boo? Boo no, BOOERNS..yes!

54. Do you smoke? never. its unattractive

55. Do you own a diamond ring? nope

56. Are you happy with your life right now? at the moment. i would change a lot.

57. Do you dye your hair? its back to the natural hair color

58. Does anyone like you? i dunno

59. Who's your best friend(s)? way too many to list i have a lot of good friends

60. What were you doing May of 1994? having jens 9th birthday

61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? nope

62. McDonald's or Wendy's? neither, subway i dont eat fried food

63. Do you like yourself? not right now

64. Are you closer to your mother or father? mom

65. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex? all that stuff. i also listen really closely to how people say my name...i dunno why i just do.

66. Are you afraid of the dark? have you met me?

67. Have you ever eaten paste? eaten? no im sure its gotten in my hair tho

68. Do you have a webcam? noep

69. Have you ever stripped? how do you think i put myself through school? gosh

70. What are you looking forward to the most this week? i dunno i could have a lot to look forward to i could have not a lot to look forward too its all depends.
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