I don't have enough time at present to compose a good response, however I simply wanted to let you know that, so far as I can tell, I agree with very nearly everything you've said in this post. I think your arguments are well laid out -- best, and perhaps most important of all is your argument that "joining the peace corps" is not the same as changing the enormous machine at home. Indeed, it DOES start with changing the complacent attitude of our fellow citizens.
That's the problem with the hippies. They thought they could change the world by building a few churches. It will take a widespread ideological revolution to overcome this bacterial infection. This time around, the hippies are going to have to be deadly serious and very businesslike.
I certainly benefited from reading this. Hopefully you will feel the same way about my meanderings through this hell that Ben Franklin would weep to lay eyes on. http://www.livejournal.com/users/magellan5/
Email me at reconfig@cox.net if you would like to discuss things further. I've been very hard at work on a philosophy / psychological system to use as a means to define our cause and, perhaps more important, a solution.
All that having been said I salute your efforts and hope you don't die when you turn 40 like I surely will. And above all else, don't become another zombie. As for me, I'd rather be dead.
That's the problem with the hippies. They thought they could change the world by building a few churches. It will take a widespread ideological revolution to overcome this bacterial infection. This time around, the hippies are going to have to be deadly serious and very businesslike.
I certainly benefited from reading this. Hopefully you will feel the same way about my meanderings through this hell that Ben Franklin would weep to lay eyes on.
Email me at reconfig@cox.net if you would like to discuss things further. I've been very hard at work on a philosophy / psychological system to use as a means to define our cause and, perhaps more important, a solution.
All that having been said I salute your efforts and hope you don't die when you turn 40 like I surely will. And above all else, don't become another zombie. As for me, I'd rather be dead.
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